it's about 3 years old and on alloy rocker cover etc and doesn't seem much better after normal engine washing. any good advice much appreciated t.i.a!
Feb 9, 6:29pm
What does normal engine washing involve!
Feb 9, 6:32pm
strong degreaser and waterblasting
Feb 9, 6:40pm
What sort of degreaser ! is it a polished rocker cover if so try some good car polish on it
Feb 9, 7:34pm
You will probably find anything that will shift it will dull off the polish. If there is some staining in an unseen area you could try a bit of oven cleaner. I also wonder if a paste mix of bicarbonate of soda might work, also to be tested somewhere out of sight.
Feb 9, 7:40pm
I've tried a couple of different ones (both good quality ones-one the yellow tin crc one and another one and industrial one) scrubbed them both in with a parts washing brush too, it actually bad a minor difference, but what i guess is the hardcore, well attached stuff remains.No, the alloy isn't polished-in fact it's relatively rough cast (which obviously doesn't help).
Feb 9, 7:47pm
ally oop- you need multiclean and a NAIL brush for the rocker cover -that and a water blaster to shift it -it often takes a couple of goes
Feb 9, 7:50pm
CLR would move it, perhaps followed by a quick rub with autosol. As kaz suggests a scrub with a small stiff bristle brush willhelp and it may take more than one go at it.
Feb 9, 9:13pm
Degreaser is for removing grease and oil. What you need is a multi purpose cleaver.
Feb 9, 9:19pm
Ive also had success usinbg alloy wheel cleaner
Feb 9, 11:25pm
cool, thanks guys i'll try these things out.
Feb 9, 11:33pm
I don't think cleaving the rust off is quite what the OP had in mind-and is a bit radical don't you think!
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