
neoslowmo, Feb 12, 3:30pm
OK - I brought a car a few years ago but i still have about a year to go before it's paid for. Not under a warranty it's a 2006 model car.
But over the last year and a half its been a problem after a problem and I'm getting pretty sick of it to the point I want to sell it - Can I!
I would pay the difference off when its sold or could i go to car yard and get another!
Never done it before I've always sold cars that have been paid for.
My latest problem drivers side air bag fault looking at $1100 to fix, so sick of it.
Any advice would be great.
Car is a 2006 SV6 Holden - begining to be my worst nightmare.

NZTools, Feb 12, 3:38pm
It will cost you even more money than the airbag fault on the day you sell it.

Have a look at what they are selling for on tradme, and subtract that from what you paid for it. That figure, plus what you still owe the finance co. Is what the car has cost you in depreciation alone.
I,m guessing it wont leave you with much, and you stiil have to buy another (hopefully reliable) car.

It is quite possibly going to be a lot cheaper just to stick with what you have.

supernova2, Feb 12, 4:09pm
Have you had more than one quote to fix!
I agree with NZTools.

neoslowmo, Feb 12, 4:13pm
^ No, no other quote just dropped off at Holden as they are close to my place of work - SRS Fault just appeared Monday afternoon.

But yes NZTools pretty much said what I thought.
Thanks for the advice - Wife none to pleased either she reckons hold off on the fix for a little while (WOF not due till May) and we have her dentist bill & Rates to pay over the next week along with the IRD bill the wife has.
Urgh not the start to the year I wanted

meathead_timaru, Feb 12, 4:23pm
Sound's like you're the Architect of your own misery.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 12, 4:27pm
As meathead alluded to some Holden dealers are an absolute rip off and the quality of their work can be poor as well. You may find part of the problem and much of the expense is due to the dealer.
I would suggest you ask around about some of the better independent garages in your area and at least get a quote or two before going back to Holden.

neoslowmo, Feb 12, 4:46pm
That could be - but i'm a person that hates running round place to place - but I will be looking at a few other places first.
I do think the Mechanics here in the Holden Dealership are a pack of Muppets - sometimes I know a bit more than them and I'm by no means a mechanic just what I've learnt over the years, I stopped working on my cars in late 90s when I brought my Skyline;, But I do like the Foreman he is a good dude.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 12, 4:54pm
There should be no need to run around in the long term. Once you have found a good fair and capable mechanic they should be able to deal with everything on one of those. I have never had to use a dealer for any of our cars ever, I do all our work in the carport or driveway, and we have vehicles that are a lot more complicated than the Commodore.

elect70, Feb 12, 5:25pm
Get another opinion, mostairbag faults are justbad connections like on thepretensionersconnectors under the seats . Had that on2 carsonly cost$150to fix

saxman99, Feb 12, 8:10pm
The first thing to do with SRS faults is to simply reset the light without touching anything. It might stay off. If it comes straight back on then you do something about it.