Shipping an engine

directorylist, Feb 12, 12:42am
Looking at an engine and box on here that's located in Dunedin, anyone got a recommendation on someone who'll ship it to Wellington! The seller is happy to split it and strap to a pallet.

splinter67, Feb 12, 12:45am
Try mainfreight or freightlines both have depots in Wellington you will have to drain the oil out

xpfairmont, Feb 12, 12:48am
I used Daily Freight back in 2008 to transport a engine and box (289 V8 and C4 trans & headers, quite a large package) from Nelson to Auckland. Cost $200. I guess Dunedin to Welly would be about the same or even cheaper if motor and box are smaller.

directorylist, Feb 12, 12:50am
Yeah its a 1960's 1300, it would way smaller by volume :) maybe not on weight :D

splinter67, Feb 12, 12:51am
Same company as mainfreight

directorylist, Feb 12, 12:53am
was that depot to depot! or pickup to depot!

xpfairmont, Feb 12, 12:58am
Depot to depot I think. Not 100% sure about his end but I picked up from depot.
I also used Toll for a 1300cc Toyota motor (no box) from Hastings to Auckland, that was only about $40 and they picked up and dropped of from driveways. But I used my works account that time.

xpfairmont, Feb 12, 12:59am
Yes. I thought that was the case but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks.

splinter67, Feb 12, 1:04am
Im not sure if daily freight operate in the south island owens is another of the same company
Op you could try strait freight as wellanother Wellington based company