Your fastest speed ever achieved on a motorbike?

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mazzyz, Mar 13, 7:51pm
Far kit, I've done 400kph plus on a 250cc bike 3 up, you lot are all too bloomin' slow. Put that fish in ya pipe an smoke it. ;o)

tazcsv, Mar 13, 8:01pm
Does a quad count! approx 120kph 250cc

trogedon, Mar 13, 9:49pm
I once fell off a Unicycle at 0 kph.

noodleman4, Mar 13, 10:56pm
Never seen one :( used to like watching Nori thrashing his.

noodleman4, Mar 13, 10:58pm
Indicated 235kmh 3rd gear on a B King

noodleman4, Mar 13, 10:59pm
Ran out of speedo on a turbo GSX1400.

kazbanz, Mar 13, 11:52pm
I have the advantage that my efforts were documented.That man was a mad genius at building turbo engines that worked . Rip Blair

gunhand, Mar 14, 12:30am
There are some dubious posts and a few that quote above the bikes top speed.
Even so most are quite likely as the bikes quoted are quite capable of doing the speeds they say. 270kph on any modern superbike is reasonably easy to achieve. However anything over 290, well that takes a looooong road the right weather etc. While the bikes are capable the biggest factor of slowing them down is the rider and the fact that they make the bike not as areodynamic as it would normaly be. Example being the mighty Hayabusa. In the wind tunnel these things are slippery as but add a bulky rider the dynamics are upset abit, not enough to slow it down as such but enough to need more push to break through the air and longer bit of road.
The Busa was designed for one thing and one thing only and that was to be king of the hill in the top speed stakes. Something it achieved.
However these days it has a few competitors for that crown.
And from factory the Hayabusa from about 2003ish on was limited to 290kph so theres the first hurdle to overcome, but easy to do.
If You have ever riddin a Busayou will know that the faster you go the more stable they become, its an unusual sensation to feel it more or less suck it self to the ground. I havent really experinced it on any other bike.
The Busa dosn't really feel happy till speeds over 160kph.
And doing some of these speeds two up.well yes on some bikes as it really dosn't upset things that muchbut I doubt anyone would get near 300kph on a stock bike two up.
I always have a laugh when other riders say, "Oh I got 300 here 300 there and once 320 over yonder" and that was just that day.
Not to mention the speedos will be over reading of course so unless you have some kind of proof its all heresay LOL.
The fastest Busa (stock) ive seen is 318kph in a flying quater so it was accurate.
Ive been to other speed trials where bikes that should break 300kph get no where near it even after several attempts.
And all this is refers to factory stock bikes not some insane thing with a turbo or two stuck on it or highly moddified in some other way.

wrong2, Mar 14, 1:08am
you got that last part right

modified the former isnttrue at all

the guy saying "a lot of lies in this thread" hasnt ridden much if he finds it hard to believe

johnf_456, Mar 14, 1:16am
Talk about lots of lies, sounds like a fishing contest over who had the bigger fish!

bigfatmat1, Mar 14, 1:18am
I think i did 40kmph backwards down a fire break before ending up in gorse bush

wrong2, Mar 14, 1:24am
when are you going to show us some pictures of your "camaro"

wrong2, Mar 14, 1:30am
more likely !

nightboss, Mar 14, 1:46am

meathead_timaru, Mar 14, 1:47am
Don't judge others by your own low standards.

meathead_timaru, Mar 14, 1:50am

nightboss, Mar 14, 2:16am
Nice M_T, how long did it take for the adrenalin rush to settle!

desmodave, Mar 14, 2:27am
Where's the contest !Any1 with the coin can go and buy a fast bike ( and why not motorbikes are fun) and go hard in a straight line. No1's offering a chocolate fish for the biggest number are they.

gunhand, Mar 14, 2:30am
In this heat and drought it wouldn't make it one solid piece anyway.
And for as little as 5k (and less)you can own a modernish bike that will do some high speeds. Prob cheapist bang for buck you can get really.

john7891, Mar 14, 2:37am
Topped 130 mph in the 70s - scared the @@#% out of me then and no desire to repeat it.

rednsr, Mar 14, 3:17am
You would know. Given you've known me for so long.
Im referring to the posts saying two up 250 plus on 600's.
Theres one that says 235 two up on a 919 hornet. Those bikes can barely get 240 with one in the saddle let alone two. You'd need arms like pop-eye to hold on. I could only just crack 230 on my work mates one. He cold barely get over 220 due to his being taller.
With his missus on the back, he said he would only get 200.
They're only geared to about 240 anyhow.

rednsr, Mar 14, 3:18am
Yuss More John Parodies!

rednsr, Mar 14, 3:50am
I had a guy try and engage me in a race riding a harley davidson today. I was on my VTR1000.
I pulled up to him quater throttle in 2nd as he was "Speeding" away and laughed at him as I casually went to half throttle and smoked his sorry ass.

meathead_timaru, Mar 14, 6:47am
I don't think I slept until almost dawn. But that's not really that unusual for me.

mtrsport, Mar 14, 2:01pm
65 MPH on a AGin the rain with a saturated swan dry.clouds and clouds of smoke .