Looking for a car - Advice Please

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austingtir, Mar 11, 12:06am
What are the weights jazz!And is it not a different class of car!

All the above proves to me is that you lack a comprehension of how manufacturers rate the size of their cars.Its obviously done off the width and weight of the car the length and even the wheelbase in alot of cases is a nothing measurement as it differs on the body style of the car.
I still stand by what i said.

kazbanz, Mar 11, 12:13am
Nicer looking! really --this from the man that likes multiplas
more features--WHEN new and thebits havent broken
Nicer to drive-REALLY!if you happen to like a particular style of driving but for comfort theres a heap better cars
Better reasale--You really are kidding aren't you!ANY of the OP's three choices will devalue at least half as slowly as an alfa.My gosh with the multipla I thought MMM practicle if it is gosh darned ugly.Punto I went -Yea well ok its really orrible and plasticcybut an ALFAheck you are getting desperate
AND DON"T YOU DARE talk aboutF$E$#$# Volvo's either

thejazzpianoma, Mar 11, 12:27am
It has nothing to do with what the manufacturer thinks or the weight of the car, the question was simply a matter of whether the Grande Punto would suit someone who found a MK4 Golf the right size. which it does.
I should know. again having actually owned the cars in question, as opposed to not even having done as much as sit in them.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 11, 12:29am
Easy old chap, don't have a heart attack. you have two Multipla's worth of kids that depend on you.

annedee, Mar 11, 12:30am
I have a 1500cc Toyota IST, lovely car, super economical and very peppy! Reasonable price range and bigger than the Vitz. Looked at the Fit/Jazz when looking to buy and the IST was much much nicer and more comfortable.

austingtir, Mar 11, 12:33am
Your stuipidity know no bounds in that thread you even suggested a touran for christ sakes.And im sure we ascertained that a getz is an allround better vehicle anyway.

How about you post up pictures of this almighty fleet of vag product you supposedly own!

thejazzpianoma, Mar 11, 12:39am
No you are a troll, who just makes up nonsense to try and discredit me, when I say something that doesn't line up with silly wives tales which the ignorant use in place of actual knowledge.

austingtir, Mar 11, 12:40am
I dont have to make anything up and its not difficult to discredit you.Give me a challenge atleast!

trouser, Mar 11, 12:48am
I owned a mk4 golf gti immediately after selling my 1.9jtd grande punto.
The punto was a little bit narrower and the boot a bit shallower and not quite as long. Bugger all in it though.

austingtir, Mar 11, 1:03am
Sigh,O.K so i just realised that iv been stating mk4 simply because jazz stated that earlier.Consider that the mk4 came out in 1997 and the grande punto came out in 2005.Then when i was looking at the specs of the golf i found the mk5 golf specs and compared them and didnt even bother to look at jazz's drivel above in those posts. so i will correct myself.You can really obviously only compare similar year model cars not a car 8 years older.

So jazz how come you didnt notice this earlier your the supposed VW guru!

And the guy above you guys own the damn cars and you dont even know what your talking about!

tgray, Mar 11, 2:11am
This reminds me of a religious zealot. No matter what the evidence, no matter what the reviews, no matter what the facts, someone is hell bent on "their" truth, regardless of all the information pointing otherwise.
And no, I didn't 'troll' the internet for the alfa review, I simply typed in alfa 147 review and quoted the first one that came up.
If this was all just harmless fun, I would ignore posts, but when it can adversely impact someone's life and pocketbook, I feel it's dangerous and needs a reality check.
Alfa's have their place with enthusiasts, but not mums that simply need reliable transport form A to B and don't give a toss about the benefits of 'owning' a Euro.

edee1, Mar 11, 3:55am
Thanks for all the great advice given, I really do appreciate it and because of it feel better equipped to delve into the great unknown.I have 'found' 2 more cars to add to the suitable list, the Mazda Verisa, thanks to Kazbanz and annedee re theToyota IST.
Kazbanz - many thanks for taking the time to answer my many questions, and for pointing out the downside to the Honda Fit auto.It's still high on my list of possibilities but will only look at manuals now.
therafter1 - I've been a little devil all my life, now its time to pull the horns in a bit.I couldn't possibly justify spending too much more on a car considering the mileage I do and besides I also need a new lounge suit ;o)
Thanks again people, you have all been a great help and thanks for the very interesting read.Wish I could buy you all a beer or a beverage of your choice.Cheers.

countrypete, Mar 11, 3:59am
You may know a bit about vws and fiats, but not Suzukis.There has never been a 1.9 litre diesel Swift.Suzuki (who are part-owners of VW) has recently started using Fiat's 1.3 litre diesel engine in it's Swift.The 1.9 diesel engine used in the Vitaras was initially a Peugeot unit, then replaced with an engine sourced from Renault.

The SX4 diesel has a Fiat engine.

annrob, Mar 12, 12:46am
If the OP is still here, maybe try a toyota corolla/ allex/runx hatchback with 1.5 l engine. That's what I just bought for this price.

kazbanz, Mar 12, 1:53am
UUUUM pete-I think MAYBEEthere is a 1.9 diesel version built in europe.Alarm bells is a ringing about one being privately imported from the uk

countrypete, Mar 12, 3:11am
Pretty sure not.The 1.9 is in the SX4 / Sedici but the swift has only ever had the 1.3 as far as I know.If there was one, Jazz would have found it, but he didn't.

edangus, Mar 12, 3:15am
Poor edee1, asks for some help and gets stuck in a piddling contest.

Not cool guys.

austingtir, Mar 12, 3:28am
I agree.Hopefully it wont have to happen again.

oakie, Mar 12, 1:17pm
OP. when you shop at Countdown do you crunch the price of your goods at the checkout! you are a cheapskate, dealers have families to look after you know!

kazbanz, Mar 12, 2:17pm
You're probably right I just don't remember cos it wasn't important to me

edee1, Mar 12, 4:45pm
OP. when you shop at Countdown do you crunch the price of your goods at the checkout! you are a cheapskate, dealers have families to look after you know!

oakie - what a ridiculous statement!Just in case you are not aware, there is a big difference when buying a car to buying a packet of cornflakes!
When house hunting and you see what you want with a price tag of $355K, do you not try and barter and get the best deal you can!If you don't, you have more $ then sense, or are you happy to just pay the $355K because using your analogy real estate people and the seller have families to look after too.
Unless things have change, the same goes for cars and MOST big ticket items, if you pay the ticket price more fool you.Its knowing when being realistic becomes ridiculous.
Most of us have families and if a few $'s can be saved on these or any deals, then to my way of thinking, that means there is more to spend on them and I am more than comfortable with that thought.

edee1, Mar 13, 4:47pm
therafter .Thanks for that. Very nice looking car.Funnily enough I saw one of these sitting in a car park yesterday, liked the shape and was drawn over to it to find out what it was.Another possibility added to the list. Thanks again.