Auto electric help please - 94 Honda Accord fault

midsta, Mar 7, 7:50pm
Took my car to a panelbeater to get fixed. One of the jobs they did was replace complete rear right tail light. When I picked car up it is showing a fault. As soon as I brake the handbrake and rear brake dash lights come on and stay on. Auto electrician said nothing to do with repairs but can't find fault and thinks maybe in the dash. The auto electrician and panelbeaters use each others services. Any ideas of a fix! Should I press the issue that the fault only showed up after panelbeating done! Thanks

dasfi, Mar 7, 7:54pm
Double check the bulb is not had a 24v bulb put in by accident, it still works and shines but car lets you know theres a fault with it, or maybe a bulb is dim it still lets you know

midsta, Mar 7, 8:07pm
Have checked the bulbs thanks

a18a, Mar 7, 8:10pm
they probably forgot to plug that little box back in that's found in the tail lights which tell you when a brake light is out. or if it came with the tail light they put in, it might be a faulty/incorrect one

midsta, Mar 7, 10:23pm
Congrats. was a fault in that 'little box'. Thanks