Advice on possible purchase.

vorn007, Mar 5, 8:55pm
Can the knowledgeable people of the board be able to tell what year these Morrie glove box lids are off!Also would they fit a 1962 model!I have been in contact with seller but the seller does not know any information on them.

hydraline, Mar 5, 9:46pm
Looks like series MM (sidevalve) to me

franc123, Mar 6, 12:25am
yep thats real early.given that the speedo is on the rh panel and not in the centre like later morries, its obvious it wouldn't be suitable for a 62.

skull, Mar 6, 1:35am
Yes I reckon old low light side valve model too. In their day they were very nice to drive, very nice gearboxes by comparison to others of the same vintage. Pity the rust mites got most of them.

vorn007, Mar 6, 2:04am
Thanks everyone for your help.With your help and a bit more research.They look to be around a 1951 model.

skull, Mar 6, 2:15am
Yes and 1952 as well, 1953 they went OHV and high headlights.