Audi - new parking technology

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matarautrader, Mar 3, 1:50am
For all of you that have trouble finding a car park and then backing into it this is the car for you!!itemid=39089

therafter1, Mar 3, 1:54am
Didn't look at the media player, but if anyone needs assistance to park a vehicle they shouldn't be behind the wheel other than in exceptional circumstances.

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 2:03am
watch the vid. You pull up to the entrance hop out activate smartphone ap car goes off and parks itself

clark20, Mar 3, 2:08am
That's actually pretty cool, I could see that catching on.

pete_iam, Mar 3, 2:14am
pretty sad world these days for cars needing automatic parallel parking but several car makers have got this feature now. be women buying them i take it :)

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 2:17am
did you watch the vid !

lusty9, Mar 3, 2:20am
cool, farout its like having your own valet parking. Sorry if I didn't spell it correctly

morrisman1, Mar 3, 2:20am
neat but Id be pissed off if I got stuck behind that turtle crawling its way through the car park.

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 2:24am
was thinking the same thing

meathead_timaru, Mar 3, 2:26am
Great. More idiots on the road who can't drive to save themselves. Just what we need.

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 2:33am
! No one is driving, no one is in the car, its not can't drive its letting the car drive while you walk off, its like putting the dishwasher on really. Automation

dasfi, Mar 3, 2:35am
Be interesting chuck a brick on the gas and watch it go park itself

clark20, Mar 3, 2:38am
Yep I can see automated parking buildings in the future, just drop off and text to pick up, easy.

meathead_timaru, Mar 3, 2:38am
I didn't say there was anyone driving. The point is that it will make it easier for the incompetent to drive because they no longer have to park.

meathead_timaru, Mar 3, 2:38am
And when it breaks down. 2nd mortgage.

matarautrader, Mar 3, 2:39am
Just imagine, 8.45 in the morning, peak traffic all trying to get a park. Pull up outside your office and send the car off at 5kph. Be even more fun when its time to go home!

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 2:46am
if youown a Audi this is the norm expensive to fix

meathead_timaru, Mar 3, 2:48am
True. But when it's rolled out to the other marques as things tend to be over the years. even Corollas have airbags now.

morrisman1, Mar 3, 3:11am
and when the smart phone moves on what will you use! I guess its another luxury feature for the new car buyer with no thought to the overall life of the car. Maybe they expect the car to blow up after 3 years anyway.

With all these gadgets etc in the cars, after 5 years and when the world has moved on a lot of the stuff is going to be useless.

intrade, Mar 3, 3:24am
you can drive home pissed now lol

tmenz, Mar 3, 4:03pm
It's a new dimension to 'road rage' - instead of swearing at other drivers, you just tell your car: 'Go park yourself.'

It wouldn't save me any time - I'd be following and watching it to make sure it happened correctly.

geminidragon, Mar 4, 1:00pm
audis are a lot of caras for parking technoloy welcome to the new age .bring it on

curlcrown, Mar 4, 2:18pm
I can see all sorts of problms arising from this. Is it even legal! Sooner or later one is going to malfunction and cause damage to someone elses property. Who would have to pay!

timmo1, Mar 4, 4:30pm
The issue, as always, is this- The unexpected. Computers are great at doing things they 'know' really fast and really precisely. They are absolutely rubbish at doing new, novel or unexpected things.

So while this car can clearly park itself in this 'perfect' scenario, it's the imperfect world it has to work in. What happens if the parking arm doesn't raise! What happens if there are no free parks! etc etc etc.

hopie, Mar 4, 5:31pm
it's been around for a while.

be funny if you went into the carpark and your new Audi R8 spyder was sitting there baking it up trying to show off to the tidy looking mazda 3 mps parked in the spot beside it