Depends on many variables like area, location, over heads
Mar 1, 4:00am
I fix my own (o:
Mar 1, 4:01am
I fix my own as well (:o Please tell us how much you charge #4
Mar 1, 4:02am
haha, I'd suspect avi's just check em, not fix em.
Edit - Another nice edit ^
Mar 1, 4:05am
Oh the irony
Edited by outbidyou2 at 11:03 pm, Fri 1 Mar
Perhaps you could answer the OP's question!
Mar 1, 4:06am
BMW is $105 I think
Mar 1, 4:07am
edit* yes i'm editing. Standby
Mar 1, 4:08am
$60 +GST, but that was to fix Lawnmowers (o:
Mar 1, 4:11am
OT slightly here, so sorry john. Our neighbour had his lawnmower serviced @ $140, another I was speaking to today, his was $150. Car servicing doesnt look too bad when you look at it like that I guess.
Mar 1, 4:14am
Thats why I closed up shop, no one wants to pay that when they can buy a new one for $250, but in saying that , They would have been better off.fixing their old one. Wont be to many mower repair shops around soon .
Mar 1, 4:16am
I agree, there is not many of them around now days apart from the commercial guys keeping them in business with a short piece of string.
Mar 1, 1:57pm
Our garage charges $71 including GST.
Mar 1, 2:21pm
Own a dirty old Lux and smirk as you rattle by the grease munkies standing in overalls.
Mar 1, 2:29pm
And I'm not suprised if they are charging that much, thats criminal.and dont start with the overheads and paperwork bollox either.
Mar 1, 2:30pm
I pay between $15.60 an hour to $120 and hour depending on the job. This is one of those stupid smoke and mirrors situations again. The HOURLY RATEdoesn't mean a thing. What matters is the total cost of the job. By total cost I mean exactly that. How much it cost to completely fix the vehicle
Mar 1, 3:10pm
Yeah - this. If I ever found myself in the situation of having to use a garage to fix something for me . I'd be after a firm quote from them to achieve the desired outcome. I would take decision on whether to proceed or not based on that. I don't care either on what their hourly rate is - just the all up cost to me for the job done. And stuff getting into one of those 'open ended' deals where you are told 'it should be this amount . but it might be a little bit more. But it won't be anymore than blah blah' Firm up on a price - because your opposition will.
Mar 1, 3:46pm
^^Sometimes its better to let the opposition get burnt, nobody in this trade has got xray eyes and can COMPLETELY know every last little thing that might need replacing until its apart, the only ones that come close are specialists in a given field like auto transmissions, power steer etc who know the common failures and the damage they cause. Fitting used or exchange bits are a different story of course.
Mar 1, 4:01pm
Absolutely, what overheads! Mowers are a bit like fixing computers, you could do it in your garden shed or even in your bedroom if you had to. Not like you need hoists or pits or a whole room full of tools or facilities to deal with large quantities of used oil and coolant and tyre fitting gear and wheel balancers and scan tools and beamsetters and cranes and bloody courtesy cars that seem to be expected these days and fancy waiting rooms equipped with poncy coffee machines and WOF audits and.arghh I think thats enough.
Mar 1, 4:49pm
I disagree with your comments. Of course if you take time to change the transmission oil, the hourly rate is reflected in the time you take to do the job. Does your builder tell you that his hourly rate is higher because he is building a retaining wall, compared to building a deck! of course not.
I just sent in my car in for regular maintenace, that is, check the air filter, change the engine oil, check the spark plugs, blah blah blah, nothing major. I know there are materials involved, but materials are separate items.
Mar 1, 5:08pm
Service a mower Air filter $17 Oil$9 Plug $8 Blades $20 Sundries $5 Labour $69+$128 Yes, did have hoist, phone, power, $1200 rent a month & courtesy mowers. Plus paper work and tax etc.
Mar 1, 5:20pm
I dont think it is the labour cost that cost your to close your operation. I think it is more the cheaper replacement and indirect cost that "kill" you. They could be paper work, health and safety and compliance cost.
Tools and materials that are required to get the work done are capital expenses that can be tax deductible. That are just part and parcel of setting up a business.
Mar 1, 5:31pm
I was in biss for 10 years, It was the cheap mowers that killed it. I had a good name and still get calls 1 year later, but it was the amount of work that forced me to close.But all is good, enjoying my semi retirement (o:
Mar 1, 6:02pm
Had disk pads fitted and rotors machined to the front of my au falcon, cost 200 plus gst, so 235 all up
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