Hi,blows cold, but leaks inside sumtimes, cant find any water outlet in bulkhead area, or under car. any1 know the remedy! Thanx
Feb 28, 8:05pm
The drain will be blocked, check either on the flywall under the bonnet for a rubber drain outlet looking affair, if not there, check under the firewall area from beneath the car and see if it is there. You may have to run something up it or blow a bit of air thru it to clear it.
Feb 28, 8:08pm
Ooooops, I see you have looked . in that case all I can suggest is that you look harder. We don't have one here at the moment that I can eyeball for you.
Feb 28, 8:16pm
If it leaks inside sometimes then that suggests that the blockage is partial. So run the aircon for a while then shut it off and see if you can eyeball where the defrost is dripping from.
Feb 28, 8:18pm
nice, thanx ill give it a beta look, got it up on ramps now.
Feb 28, 11:21pm
A/cond drain is on top of tunnel above transmission.
Mar 1, 12:28am
Thanx, problem solved, tube had come off inside car! pluged in & all good.
Mar 1, 1:03am
Great to hear
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