I have always had full insurance for my jap import and yesterday I did a online quote thing via State (I am not with State right now) - and I would be TOO ASHAMED to tell u what I am paying for full insurance (all that my current provider has on offer) and what I could be saving with State 3rd party fire/theft.
Bloody hell.I can holiday in the tropics.whats the catch with 3rd party!
Hands up who has Full cover and why! (unless u have a rare and expensive car that is)
Feb 23, 2:46am
I have full cover on two of our family vehicles and 3rd party on my junker. Full cover has more benefits where as 3rd party will only cover the damage that's caused to the other vehicle.
Feb 23, 2:50am
Its all about how out of pocket you want to be when or if your 20k plus car unfortunatly for many reasons happens to be writtin off. It may never happen of course.but then again it could happen tomorrow. DO YOU FEEL LUCKY.PUNK , LOL. If you have the ability to replace your car and someone elses plus any other damage you may cause then don't bother with it.Have you ever wondered how much running through the side of a house or a shop costs (it does happen) Or of course you could just smash up peoples property and go to court etc etc and get told to pay it back at $10 a week.
Feb 23, 2:56am
Of all the years I have been paying insurance, usually for 2 cars and I have never made a claim.$10 a week doesn't sound too bad.
Feb 23, 3:00am
I saved $100 on my insurance by ringing them and talking about it.You are probably insured for all sorts of things you don't need to be, like motels if you break down, and coverage for gadgets such as stereo and gps, which I don't have.There were about five things that were negotiable.
Feb 23, 3:03am
If the car to be insured was "economical" (cough - not quite a sh*tter but getting old) - I understand that if it is on fire or stolen then they pay the $<agreed sum>.
In an accident I get nothing back but the other car/property is covered!
Have I got that right!
Feb 23, 3:06am
Pretty much, other scenarios that sometimes people don't think about, are being hit by an uninsured driver (most insurance companies will only pay upto $3k in that case, and thats also if that person is honest and gives you right details and admits liability), or say your car is parked over night somewhere and gets damaged, but no one owns up to it, you have no cover for that on a third party cover.
Feb 23, 3:13am
This post is bang on, its all about protecting YOURSELF from all the uninsured (or uninsurable) irresponsible gits on the road.If the unexpected does happen and you want life to return to normal ASAP,get the full insurance, get your car fixed or paid out on if written off and get another one, and let the insurance co do the debt collecting.
Feb 23, 3:20am
Exactly, if you only have third party and you get hit by someone and they dont have any insurance then you will be lucky to get a cent, but with full cover your insurance co pays for the repairs to your car and chases up the perp.
Feb 23, 3:20am
Full cover for my BC5 is only $350 a year. 3rd party is $85. Extra $265 a year is peace of mind for peanuts.
Feb 23, 3:25am
For me full is $480 versus $280.
Either way - a LOT LOT cheaper then what I pay right now. But just saying it is $200 p/yr. just saying.
Feb 23, 3:46am
If you can't afford to go without the car, you cant afford to only have third party, if potentially losing the car and getting nothing for it doesn't worry you then yay you are $200 a year richer
Feb 23, 1:45pm
No idea on how far other companys will stretch policys & discounts butwe have several family members car policies attached to our main policy that don't even live with us AND they pay their own premiums AND we get the discounts. Progressively bigger discount for each new member added
Feb 23, 1:47pm
3rd party IS without a doubt far better then NO insurence. At the minimum, 3rd part will pay out for the other vehicle in most cases of "no fault of the owner of the policy" Thats got to be a whole lot better then having to pay out for BOTH vehicles
Feb 23, 1:57pm
Next step up is minimum full cover. Minimum full, is better then 3rd & far far better then none.
Feb 23, 2:22pm
Minimum full = !
Sorry - I looked at the insurance websites and they either do Full - 3rd party (pay other damages) or 3rd party Fire and Theft.
Feb 23, 2:26pm
Full cover gives you glass protection (at least ours does). In my view that's worth the extra cost of full insurance alone.
Feb 23, 2:38pm
Many third party policys do, I have third party on some of the fleet are and they certainly do have full glass cover.
Feb 23, 2:40pm
Full cover with minimum payout. $1500 cover on a 2K or 3K + vehicle is a whole dang lot better then no cover + you get glass cover & YOU don't need to fight the other insurance company through court
Feb 23, 2:41pm
Now THATS confusing ;-)
Feb 23, 2:51pm
Mmm - I did notice some 3rd party policies have a "windscreen extension" about $50/p.a. - and I agree - with present vehicle Full Insurance (which incl windscreen) has saved my a** twice with broken w/screens in last 2 years.
But I will go for std Full.
What prompted this thread was the mere fact that right now I must be insuring all the cars in Auckland with my current policy.
When I did a quick on-line Quote at State I was like "that CAN NOT be right!". As I say the cost savings in changing to State would pay for a holiday easily.hell in 6 years it has brought me a new car.
Feb 23, 2:55pm
The catch with modern "glass cover" is that these days, it ONLY covers ABOVE the vehicle waist line. Headlights /tail lights etc are NOT covered by glass insurance
Feb 23, 2:57pm
I did not see that ("glass above waist line") in the quick scan of the Policy Wording. will have a more thorough read. As sealed beam lights can be $300+ this is worth noting.
Feb 23, 3:00pm
How much are you paying and what are you insuring!Is it a 2k car or 50k car! Is it highly modified or very rare or something. A bog stock "Camry"shouldnt pay for aucklands car fleet or buy you a new car in 6 years. Are you over 25! have you had multiple claims or are you just with a poor insurance company!Or worst of all are you trying to insure a Subaru LOL.
Feb 23, 3:02pm
it's been that way for many years now. S/h headlights for modern vehicles can run from $50 to over 1k each & anywhere in between. Pretty much the most common glass/plasitc busted on a vehicle. ASK them directly & get them to show you specifically where in the policy headlights/taillights are covered
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