Anyone Know of a KTM Adventure For Sale in ChCh?

the-saint1, Feb 20, 3:31am
I'm after a KTM Adventure and have been looking for one locally (ChCh) for months, anyone out there know of one for sale in ChCh!

desmodave, Feb 20, 1:16pm
If you have been looking for months you cant want it that bad. If you had bought 1 at auction in Japan you would be ridding it by now.

texastwo, Feb 20, 7:08pm
"ridding i"t! is that riding it or getting rid of it!

desmodave, Feb 20, 7:18pm
Yeah drop that extra d if ya like. Have you just had your badge issued .

jmma, Feb 20, 7:23pm
But I like double D's(o:

desmodave, Feb 20, 7:28pm
Nice call

chevcamaro, Feb 20, 8:38pm
don't we all

countrypete, Feb 26, 6:00pm
well, if you'd owned it for months, then yes, you would likely be looking at ridding it.

oliver6, Feb 27, 3:39am
I bought an 06 model a few years ago and it;s great. I took it to Sth America and did 11,000km onit there nad have ridden it heaps here.
There are not very many in NZ.