Where is Jazz?

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superfreek, Mar 19, 2:59am
As per the title says. Did I miss something in the few weeks that I didn't read this board!
I don't post much, but I did always enjoy reading his (often bias) opinions.

fordkiwi27, Mar 19, 3:00am
he is on leave.

intrade, Mar 19, 3:01am
yea he is not banned if you mean that he said he thinks he needs to takea brake again and as usuall the thread fill with stuff like make it longer this time and there likes.

gammelvind, Mar 19, 3:26am
Pity such a knowledgable lad lets his OCD get on top of him. Simple statements and recommendations would have been great, but nooooo he got carried away and called everyone who disagreed with him trolls.
If only he had relaxed he would still be here and we could have learnt a bit more about his favourite euros.

3tomany, Mar 19, 3:38am
jazz while opiniated is trying to genuenly help people. Someans no harm to anyone but others chose to abuse him rather than dabate, he loves his euro {trashlol ] but he is no worse than a holden or ford fan bleeting on. When he is gone it is of his choseingnot the moderators so he will be back when hes ready to take more abuse from some on here

sr2, Mar 19, 3:52am
Good post, I have to agree. Despite his slightly obsessive enthusiasm for most things Euro Jazz's contribution to this MB is huge in both information and entertainment value.

3tomany, Mar 19, 3:58am
and that is what this board is all about not arguing and bickering long may it continue

llortmt, Mar 19, 4:18am
The longer he stays away the better in my view.

xpfairmont, Mar 19, 4:33am
Is he stuck under a VW somewhere!

cowlover, Mar 19, 5:10am
I agree.Lets start a campaign: Bring back Jazz

sr2, Mar 19, 5:13am
Each is entitled to their own opinion mate, but you need to be making a contribution to this MB before people will listen to you.
Despite getting up more than a few peoples noses with his relentless almost missionary enthusiasm jazz has helped a huge number of people here with his almost encyclopaedic knowledge of Euro cars.
Even the experienced mechanics on this site who cross swords with him on a regular basis acknowledge this contribution.
We await yours eagerly, with baited breath.

unclejake, Mar 19, 5:54am
'bated breath.


Grammar R us.

hahahahahaha (sorry, I blame these cheese and crackers)

sr2, Mar 19, 6:00am
LOL; thanks for the support UJ mate, (you??

unclejake, Mar 19, 6:05am
Go well out there mate. It's a bit horrid down here, but they tell us it will ease later in the day to 15 knots or so.

I'd type a really long and detailed explanation . but Jazz would get all jelly

sr2, Mar 19, 6:11am
Cheers mate, a few hours on the water is all my soul needs, any fish caught will be a bonus!

unclejake, Mar 19, 6:19am
I couldn't imagine a better approach to take.

/sorry for the spam Superfreek. I'll stop now

sr2, Mar 19, 6:25am
Cheers UJ, on the other hand being the 'worlds best fisherman" (in my own mind) I'll be ****ed of if I catch zilch!

mugenb20b, Mar 19, 1:46pm
He has, but he's been using llortmt account lately.

As for Jazz, he makes a lot of sense, I like his dedication and enthusiasm, but I also like to have a good debate about Jap vs Euro cars.

hairytits.ghost, Mar 19, 1:52pm
yeah he put the BRAKES on! :p

llortmt, Mar 19, 2:03pm
To be honest I've barely noticed any 'contribution' you've ever made!
I actually had to change my name because every time I posted in a thread Jaz had posted in, he started name calling.
Unlike Jazz, I AM one of 'the experienced mechanics on this site'. I called Jaz on his BS several times and he didn't like it because I was right.The advice he dispenses ismisleading in the extreme, he portrays himself as a professional when he is in fact a keen amateur with 'zero credentials' and belittles any true professional that calls his BS.
So yes I am entitled to my opinion!

sr2, Mar 19, 3:15pm
Err.um.(Holds head in hands!).

kazbanz, Mar 19, 4:20pm
Jazz took a self imposed holiday.

nightboss, Mar 19, 7:03pm
Smart move, make sure you keep that secret so no-one works it out!

cjohnw, Mar 19, 7:34pm
I didn't really care about his Euro bias, you could either take it or leave it. Fair enough. But when he started to mouth off about the NZ Police force my blood would boil. If you have someone in your family who serves, and you see how hard they work, the shifts they have to manage, the crap they have to deal with day-in and day-out, and the crims and low-lifes that confront them (just watch Police 10/7) you know it takes a special person to do the job. So to read some of the excrement he writes about the Police not only displays a lack of respect but a real immaturity. But then I am a "senior" NZer so maybe I am old fashioned.

kyussr32, Mar 19, 8:27pm
Jazz must have had the inside word and got out of here before the relentless flaming:


DSG for life ya'll!