Hi does anyone have a manual that would show the correct position for the injectors.Have replaced them but white smoke is pouring out.Thanks.Car is Honda Jazz/Isuzu mu 1995 3.1 manual.
Mar 27, 1:19am
Sorry, I don;t have a manual.But even if you completely remove the injector lines, it's pretty hard to stuff up unless you bend the lines to make them fit into the wrong positions. White smoke is a symptom of incorrect bleeding / air in the lines.
Mar 27, 1:52am
When you inspect the body of injector, do you see a hole (approx 2mm)! (if it does, its a positioning hole that has to line up with the glow-plugs (facing the cylinder head)) Also, look for 'notch's' on the nozzle thread & body of the injector & hold down nut!, if so they must line up (in line) and face toward the glow-plug (facing cylinder head), when you clamp them down.
Hope this helps, its been a very long time, and i think pre 95 4jg2 injectors didnt require this setup.
Mar 27, 1:58am
Hi thanks for that - hole is lined up with glow plugs - will check for other cause.
Mar 27, 2:16am
I'm not sure if Isuzu engines have these, but check to see if there is a gauze type strainer under the banjo bolt in the fuel supply line at the injector pump. A Bic pen can be used to remove them. If there is one, it may just need a clean. And I'm guessing you've replaced the fuel filter to start with!
Mar 27, 2:16am
Arnt the isuzu injectors colored on the top to go back in to original positions!
Mar 27, 2:34am
all injectors are the same well they should be it wont matter what one you fit where. and as above i dont think you be getting injector lines to go in to wrong positions unlessyou use a crowbar and then you wont fit em all. Also white smoke is unburned fuel usually of incorrect timing of the injector pump position. That or the timingbelt is a tooth out thats another cause for white smoke.
White smoke is unburned fuel, but air in the lines will cause white smoke because compressed air will hold pressure in the lines above injector cracking pressure, spurting fuel at the wrong time, so results can look the same as having the timing out.If the OP didn't remove the pump etc, timing won't be out.But if the OP replaced injectors, then the new injectors might be the wrong spec.
Mar 27, 2:49am
Did you make sure you refitted all of the copper washers under the injectors! Sounds like it doesn't have enough compression to properly burn the fuel.
Mar 27, 3:13am
Yes all new washers, the injectors were cleaned professionally.Cannot download the manual alimac.It's 11000 pages and the iPad won't do it.Found that one earlier today. Thanks to all who replied - will take another look next week.
Mar 27, 7:01pm
I bet you have two of the pipes crossed. They are easy to cross on the pump. Check which cylinders are firing by loosening off the unions one at a time. If number one is firing then just check the firing order from there. otherwise, choose a cylinder that is firing and follow the firing order from that cylinder on.
Mar 27, 9:02pm
yes if the new injectors open to soon plung at wrong pressure then that would also lead to overfueling .correct.
Mar 27, 11:21pm
ummmm you dont clean no injectors . you test em for spray pattern and blow off plunger setting and if they spray incorrect you change the nozzle and re-shim the plunger so they pop at correct pressure. no sutch thing as cleaning on injectors. also that manual i downloaded it its of no use to you its only generic stuff like what engine oils and there like in that manual from what i seen.
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