any knowledgable Honda people around please. We need to know when its recommended to do the cambelt and a rough estimate at the price please !
Mar 31, 4:39pm
what colour is the car !
Mar 31, 4:45pm
purple with pink
Mar 31, 4:51pm
what engine has it got!
Mar 31, 4:52pm
Well duh, a honda one.
Mar 31, 4:55pm
4 cylinder, 2250cc, Tiptronic
thats all I know.
I was going to say a flintstone
Mar 31, 5:00pm
It has 2 belts, a cambelt and a balance belt. They both need to be done, along with the waterpump, idlers, tensioners and seals if you want a reliable repair. I expect that would set you back around $800ish. as far as I know, they are due every 100k, but someone else might know better
Mar 31, 5:06pm
ouch ! but thanks a lot.
Mar 31, 5:10pm
forgot to say .so a car with 116,000 kms would need doing asap.
Mar 31, 5:16pm
I would say so, they also have a time component, i.e. they have to be done every x number of years.
Mar 31, 5:18pm
its a 2000 model so probably way overdue.
Mar 31, 5:21pm
It's a good 4 hour job, so there goes $300 worth of labour. The rest is the cost of parts and consumables. $800 is much cheaper than repairing / replacing a blown engine.
Mar 31, 5:24pm
Additionally, as the OP hasn't stated the year of manufacture of the vehicle if it is a JUC and is approaching 10 years or so of age I would suggest that you also have the radiator replaced (replaced is my preference) or at the very least removed, rodded out and the top tank replaced, then you can add another $400,00ish to the job. It may seem like quite a large outlay, but it increases the chances hugely that you are going to get a long reliable life out of the vehicle.
Many people seem to balk at some of the prices associated with what amounts to routine preventative maintenance associated with motor vehicles, but have no problem whatsoever injecting $100,00 worth of fuel into the tank of the vehicle on a weekly basis. If you add up the costs associated with the preventative maintenance and then divide that cost by the number of trouble free K's that you then get from the veh it works out to be a very small cost indeed by comparison to fuel costs.
Mar 31, 5:27pm
There you go, while I was typing you posted the age of the vehicle. It is a 13 year old motor vehicle and the radiator has quite probably reached or passed its use by date, in which case I would replace it for not a lot more than a cleanout and replacement of the top tank.
Mar 31, 5:34pm
I think these OAP's need to get a couple of push
Mar 31, 5:36pm
Yeah but the public don't see it that way, don't understand it and all they see is the upfront cost, there are some real ignorant and apathetic people out there that know so little about vehicles that they shouldn't be operating one. You can own a car for years and maintain it impeccably with the receipts to prove it and when you come to sell some numpty will show up to look at it and only care if the stereo and aircon works. Trust me I've been there!
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