Small Engine troubles

bswit, Mar 31, 11:30pm
Hi, I have a small engine on a log splitter that refuses to start, and I have been trying to get a really good "how to" guide off the internet.Anyone got any good suggestions for websites that offer guides on small engine repair and maintenance.

henderson_guy, Mar 31, 11:59pm
spark plug and lead are a good place to start

NZTools, Mar 31, 11:59pm
Start with the basics. Has it got a clean sparkplug. Has it got spark, has it got FRESH fuel, and has it got compression!

meathead_timaru, Apr 1, 12:00am
As above. Report back with findings.

therafter1, Apr 1, 1:39am
Make and origin of small motor could be a helpful clue as well.

mrfxit, Apr 1, 2:04am
6 of 1 & half dozen of the other
Fuel or plug

Intelligent person = plug
Non intelligent person= anything or fuel or ign switch (on/off)

bswit, Apr 1, 2:15am
Thanks for the input guys.The engine is a chinese copy of a small Honda Engine.Sorry but not here with me now and can't recall the exact brand and size.

Have replaced the plug already and does not appear to be the source of the issues.

There appears to be fuel getting through (I think) at least to the fuel bowl anyway, as it pours out when the bowl is removed.

Also, when trying to start, without choke, it doesn't do much of anything, but with choke fully on, the engine "runs on" after pulling the putters for about a second or two before petering out

jonthefisho, Apr 1, 2:44am
Is it brand new.
If it is it may need oil in crankcasethey are shippped without oil.

bswit, Apr 1, 2:58am
No It is a few years old now.Has had a couple services over the past years, but is so heavyand awkward to get on trailer to get to the guy who does the work on it.It started flawlessly and run perfect about a month or so ago

NZTools, Apr 1, 3:19am
Check the oil. If it is too low, it wont start. Those chinese motors also hate stale fuel. Drain it out and put fresh fuel in it. If left outside in the rain, they also get water leaking down the bolt that holds the air cleaner on, wich lets the water run dirctly into the cylinder

bswit, Apr 1, 4:05am
Yep has fresh fuel.Fresh from the service station a week or so ago anyway.Also, even though it has been stored outside, we make sure the engine is covered well whenever not in use.I do understand that water could get in there though.And yes, there is sufficient oil in there too.

mrfxit, Apr 1, 4:25am
Mmmm back to a new plug (should have a spare anyway)
Other then that the fact it runs on the choke only would suggest dirt in the carby.
yea it will be a Lifan 5 or 6ph-ish & they are often set up to "1st start" ONLY with choke on regardless of being hot or cold & flip the choke off quickly.
Good motors for the price

beast9, Apr 1, 4:29am
try putting a small squirt of petrol down the carby or through the spark plug hole and see if it starts that way to see if its the carby if you can get it started that way pull the revs up a bit and put your hand over the carb to see if it will clear it and keep running have done that a few times when ive been out the back

owene, Apr 1, 5:30am
Chuck it and buy a new Honda. You'll never have to ask the question again.

bswit, Apr 1, 5:47am
lol, thank you for such a helpful comment.Unfortunately not my machine.I just have the good fortune of using it.

bswit, Apr 1, 5:48am
Yeah, I don't think it is a Lifan.Usual starting procedure is full choke, full throttle, 6 pulls with electrics turned off and then one pull with electrics switched on again and it is away no problems.Hot starting is just turn everything on and away it goes, with no choke needed.

bswit, Apr 1, 5:52am
Carby sounds like it could be the one.from memory the guy that usually services this says the carb is notorious for getting dirty/blocking on these particular types of engine.Will give it a go tomorrow with a little fuel in the carb and see how that goes.But already, my weekend of splitting wood is pretty much over/ruined. lol

Moral of the story, never lend your wife or small machinery to anyone.Cos you know how they will come back.F#@*&d

clark20, Apr 1, 6:17am
LOL When the title said small engine I thought what! 2.0L!

fishdoc, Apr 1, 10:55am
Spray some ezy start or similiar in the plug hole. Sometimes will get them going long enough to stay going. Do you know enough about the carby to take it to bits at leastpartially ie jets/needle out. Float bowl off.

snoopy221, Apr 1, 12:08pm
ays the carb is notorious for getting dirty/blocking on these particular types of engine. Will give it a go tomorrow with a little fuel in the carb and see how that goes. But already, my weekend of splitting wood is pretty much over/ruined. lol

Moral of the story, never lend your wife or small machinery to anyone. Cos you know how they will come back. F#@*&d

Tanks for dee loan offf dee wiff-LOL

But yeah would suspect needle va;ve in carb either too much wetness(fuel) or too dry and no go

[keerist suppose ya want the wiff back]!

bswit, Apr 1, 4:33pm
Yeah, will spray a bit of ether into the carb and see.I have watched a couple videos now for disassembling and cleaning the carb, and will see if I can emulate that.Looks like something I can do and I am confident enough to do that I think.well until I can't put it back together and have to call a mechanic. lol