well i toldyou geta fewkeys . if its factory alarm theycan be programmed over and internalscan be moved also.
Jan 11, 2:19am
who is it best to get to get this sorted ?
Jan 11, 2:53am
locksmisswhat keydo you got the transporter one on immage of the oneswith buttons?
Jan 11, 2:58am
i cant understand ?
Jan 11, 3:11am
its the 2 button one on here . my daughter has it ( not here ) she says its the doodah that stops the alarm, and has the immobiliser on it that is broken .
Jan 11, 2:58pm
the immobilizer is a chip not the alarm the alarm will stop if you turn the key and the chip is read by the steering colum sensorwhom tellsthe alarm computer its ok we are fine stop alarm-ing.
Jan 11, 3:22pm
if the imobilizer chip is broken it wont start the car is that the case? 2 systems one is the alarm door lock remote with button and other is the engine immobilizer chip pill in front of the key housing . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RZrQbZQ8yM
Jan 11, 8:16pm
i dont drive , so im no help to her. im also not where the dam thing is. as far as ive been told from her, its not the key or the open shut thing thats stuffed, its the other seperate thing that has 2 things on it . one to stop the alarm and one to immobilise. i cant fix this, what i need is the name of someone who does this sort of thing
Jan 11, 8:43pm
giltrap prestigewould do for sure. maybe somone knows a locksmith whom has automotive skills.
Jan 13, 10:17pm
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