Any bluetooth experts out there?

pattym1, May 27, 8:18pm
Up until about a week ago my Android phone and my car bluetooth connection were working just fine. Phone would ring through the car speakers and I could pick it up via the phone pick up on the steering wheel and all was well. Now, when the phone rings, it still goes through the car speakers but is not the normal ring tone and i can not pick it up via the car, only from the phone its self. but the call still goes through the car speakers. the connection seems to be all good and the car and the phone pair up and connect just fine. any ideas and sorry for the novel.

intrade, May 27, 8:28pm
can be a problem with bluetooth i cant send any files from my phone to the pc with bluetooth there is a few standards and protocolls from what i seen whom can conflict with things.
Now since it dont works was your phone upgrading a system component?
or was your car in for a service?

edangus, May 27, 8:33pm
Erase set up on phone and car and reset. Well that's what I would do.

intrade, May 27, 8:35pm
jumping to conclusion befor you have all facts is a bad idea.

ralphdog1, May 27, 8:48pm
What is the phone?
Thinking that maybe it has had an OS upgrade, for instance some Samsung phones have just shifted to the latest Android release.

pattym1, May 27, 8:57pm
Its a Huawei of some sort (fairly new) and the car is a 2013 Toyota Aurion. thanks for all the suggestions. I might try deleting the phone from the car and pairing them up again. it was all working but now its not. gahh.

pattym1, May 27, 8:58pm
no i dont think so. the car definatly wasnt in for a service. I know that at least. LOL

edangus, May 27, 9:18pm
Not really a jump to a conclusion. Its the first thing a dealership or BT fitment outlet is going to do. Android & IOS updates often screw things up.
Really simple to clear and reset the Bluetooth Pairing. If that does not work, then you either have a Phone or BT System/Radio issue, this means seeing someone who will empty your wallet quickly. Vodafone charge to even consider looking at your phone (back at the "yeah right" factory). Perhaps I did not make clear I meant reset the BT Pairing, leaving my reply as ambiguous.

pattym1, Sep 6, 4:30am
thanks edangus - i will try resetting the pairing. and if i cant get it going i am not going to lose too much sleep. i mean i managed with out this for many years.