*** WOF what's the law?***

standard, Jul 30, 12:29am
Do you still have to have a WOF not more than a month old when you sell a car?

2sheddies, Jul 30, 12:32am
No. Dealers have to as far as I know, but private sellers can still offer a car as is.

kazbanz, Jul 30, 12:59am
It depends on the nature of the advertisement.
The devil as they say is in the detail.
So a car advertised with no use of the words as is where is must have a less than 28 day old WOF regardless of who is selling it. Private or dealer.
Enforcing that with a private person--good luck.
A vehicle sold as is where means exactly that.What it says in the advert is what it is. If a dealer and sold for parts then no requirement for wof -BUT they must state where the WOF is at

standard, Jul 30, 3:35am
Thanks for help, will check with relation.

tgray, Jul 30, 4:02am
The bottom line, is the rule is not being enforced, so private sellers do whatever they want and get away with it.
Just look at the sellers on Trademe. Most are not selling with a new WOF.

intrade, Dec 8, 12:39pm
untill they get taken to court just think of the MG thread what a nightmare that was, so personally i would not take the risk and always say as is where is as private seller .
we in europe we sold cheap cars and the cheapest one had now warranty so when they asked if we give a warranty we said sure 50/50 is what you get with that.
next question was what is 50/50 warranty ?
50 meter and 50 secounds . thats what the 50/50 warranty is but that was in europe and in the 90s
i do recall somone taken a dealer to court in germany just about a year ago he would have won if the case was a nz dealer in court.
the court throwen out the case against dealer in germany due to logic thinking and old age of car and what failed on it = dealer must not guarantee cars as if they where new items in germany case dismissed . thats how it went.