hi, I would appreciate any ideas as to why car wont start, and battery wont turn over, yet half an hour later it starts immediately. The battery is two years old, and car is a Toyota Corolla1999. Up till now has been trouble free.
Mar 16, 12:43am
Try cleaning your battery terminals and checking earth from chassis to motor. (o:
Mar 16, 12:43am
Little confused. Batteries don't "turn over". Do you mean the engine cranks (turns over) but doesn't fire or just total nothing? How many km has the car done? Oh and does it have an alarm installed?
Mar 16, 12:45am
is it a automatic? and what are the dash lights doing when you try and start it?
Mar 16, 12:49am
Turn on key, engine doesn't crank. All lights on dash as normal.Car is automatic, no alarm installed, done 116,000 kms.
Mar 16, 12:57am
I'd be suspecting the starter solenoid. can you hear a click when you turn the key to start? Or also the contacts for the inhibitor switch. try putting it in neutral before starting too.
Mar 16, 12:58am
Starter solenoid jamming (though I don't think that it is that common on those cars). My Toyota of a similar age had a nasty short on the alternator wiring harness where it traverses the cam cover. It would randomly stop while driving and sometimes do what you describe. Turns out the heat/age had perished the insulation on the wire and it earthed out stopping it dead in its tracks. Also the option that the "Park" interlock (stops you starting the car in drive ) is faulty. Does it start in Neutral if no go in park?
Yeah what he said.
Mar 16, 1:01am
park neutral switch is my guess for swaptron diagnostic
Mar 16, 1:05am
yes it clicks when key is turned. I haven't tried starting it in neutral, but will next time it happens. thanks so much for your advice everyone. Sounds like I need an automotive Electrician.
Mar 16, 1:08am
clciks ok i know what it is then. its your starter silanoid contacts you can buy new contacts for about 15 to 20$ from auto electritions and fit them. if it clicks try again and again after a few clicks it will start , the contact wear off uneaven so dont alway make contact when you start it .
Mar 16, 1:13am
You guys are just great. Im very grateful for your help
Mar 16, 1:19am
keep in mind these swaptronic guesses only work on older simple cars where there is no comand not to start the car if a sliding door is open and alsorts of other reasons why it wont let you start these new cars. there you cant start guessing and diagnostic mesurment are a must do thing .
Mar 16, 3:57am
No you can't its not that kind of Denso starter the contacts are in the solenoid and not replaceable. But the way it sounds more like the brushes.
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