Latest super Audi is EVEN FASTER than the last one

richardmayes, Jan 6, 2:35pm


This year's super Audi is even faster than last year's super Audi.

Applause now please.
Or else you're just envious tall-poppy haters.

Is anyone else just getting bored with this sort of car and the breathless reporting they always get in the media?

I actually admire those who have the conviction to spend their money on a ridiculously impractical, brazen-looking toy car like a Lamborghini or a Corvette, and not just some dark grey anonymous thing that will be worth less than the cost of getting rings and bearings done, by the time it needs rings and bearings doing.

fordcrzy, Jan 6, 2:42pm

intrade, Jan 6, 3:30pm
dont need that if you drive that fast friction will evaporate the rain off the car lol

mals69, Jan 6, 4:20pm
Yep value will drop quick - wolf in sheep's clothing factor
funny though when it piss's over most things that look the biz

crtnz, Jan 6, 4:24pm
awesome ! can't wait to get one and drive it around in first gear@103kph !

grangies, Jan 6, 5:43pm
There's plenty of people in the world-wide market that earn several million dollars per year. So $250,000 + on a station wagon for their family is chicken feed.

I don't consider them tall poppies who waste their money.

I consider people who can barely afford decent meals and clothes who go out and put a $15,000 car on finance to be money wasters.

mals69, Jan 6, 5:45pm
Yeah should be applauded if someone makes enough money where 250K small change

gram, Jan 6, 6:04pm
You can be sure it wouldn't be your (below) average Dick.

Replacement rings and bearings in an Audi. novel idea. I suppose they do, just never heard of it.

mad_signtist, Jan 6, 7:53pm

desmodave, Jan 6, 9:17pm
Would be just the thing for carting the dogs to the beach to take them for a run . Have always had soft spot for Audi since seeing the Quattro rally cars as a kid . If you have the coin why not . Any knockers simply don't have the coin or the balls . I always say there is no point being jealous just be envious if ya want .

richardmayes, Jan 6, 9:20pm
I love how you can't even discuss this issue without "envy" and "jealousy" being mentioned!

gram, Jan 6, 9:31pm
The issue is in your mind. Audi made a nice car. You're trying to make it a big deal.

richardmayes, Jan 7, 2:30am
It's a car. This is the Motoring forum.

Opinion and politics is <--- over there somewhere if you'd rather have a generalised discussion about envious people. ?

grangies, Mar 11, 12:12pm
I remember a few years ago, it made the news where a near new RS6 was written off by the owners teenage son, while they were out.

I think it was in the Hawkes Bay.

If I remember correctly, it made the news because there was going to be insurance issues LOLOL.