Cars with wide front doors

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gracey41, Jun 12, 3:02pm
Am asking on behalf of friends (age late 60s) who are looking to replace their vehicle, the wife has had 4 hip operations and the left knee stiffened.

They are finding that most modern cars do not have enough room to swing a stiffened leg/knee in on the passengers side (without expensive modifications)

Just wondering if anybody knows of a type of vehicle that has extra wide front doors, around 1.5 to 2 litre with a bit of room in the back for gear.

Have looked at Toyota Isis and and Porte they are out without modifications. Can get into a Toyota Sienta with a little difficulty but looking ahead this may not be suitable.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

laspaz, Jun 12, 3:05pm
Try a toyota funcargo.

mr_bond, Jun 12, 3:11pm
Older friend of mine had a similar issue. Settled on a Nissan Juke. Found it easier to get 'up into it' than a standard car.

whqqsh, Jun 12, 3:14pm
can understand that, the late model Falcons & Holdens at work are a curse to get in & out of yet the lone Ford Territory is just great, would be my choice something along those lines

kazbanz, Jun 12, 3:19pm
gracey -When it comes to ease of entry I have to say the Toyota Porte is hands down the very best on the market.
Im wonerdering if its possible the salesman wasn't aware of all the available features in a Porte-specifically the way the passenger seat has a double length range of movement backwards and forwards.
Alternative suggestions with no modifications.
1)Toyota Funcargo
2)Honda Mobillo Spike.
3)Toyota raum 2004-2008 miodel.
From there she may find that people movers are an alternative to concider.
The 06 and later Mazda Premacy offers space in the back and has a bigger front door. for example.
-A different view on the situation might be to try a vehicle that has a disability pfront passenger seat. -sometimes caller wellcab.
The seat is desighned for this sort of situation and spins 90 degrees towards the door. Not being crude here but it is then like sitting on the loo -she backs onto the seat and the seat does the turning rather than her.

gracey41, Jun 12, 3:40pm
Thanks Kazbanz, even though the seat in the Porte slid back further, their current vehicle a 91 Corona station wagon the lady lays the back of the seat right back when getting in and when she did this in the Porte it hit the seat behind and would not lay back far enough - it apparently did not seem to work for her?

Will tell them about the Mazda Premacy.

kazbanz, Jun 12, 6:03pm
Gracey--good luck. It does sound that she has adapted to the corona which I would think in all honesty would be close to the very worst kind of car for her ie low seats,narrow doors etc.

mouse265, Jun 12, 6:57pm
We have a mitsi dingo for the same reason both of us ole crocs have problem hips and I have a locked knee we find its great and still good for long trips too

msigg, Jun 12, 7:11pm
Yes as above the juke is great, kazbanz has some good idea, most of the newer cars have a muchhigher/or you could raise, seat position, this allows easier access and you not bending down as much, the old rav 4 was excellent, as are the new ones, honda jazz is good, you need to get out to a dealer and try a few different models, thats the best way.

tamarillo, Jun 13, 2:02am
Honda hrv circa 2000 3 door. It's reasonably high without being silly, and being only one side door it's very long, opens to way behind back of front seats. And if pushed forward it will fold flat. Light weight small Honda.

edangus, Jun 13, 5:47am
Mitsubishi Colt. Very easy in and out.

morrisjvan, Jun 13, 5:55am
pretty much any 2 door car will have longer doors than it's 4 door equivalent.

joanie04, Jun 13, 9:43pm
Brother's Nissan Maxima was written off and he wanted the replacement that would be something that the olds could get in and out of easily. He decided on an X-trail. Very easy for mum to get in and out of. Mum has been extremely ill due to an internal cancerous growth that took months to diagnose so is weak due to a huge weight and muscle tone loss and dad lacks mobility as well due to arthritis etc. Being a mechanic and bit hard of hearing dad was complaining it was a bit noisy in the back lol.

bryshaw, Jun 13, 10:33pm
Honda Jazz 1.3 is roomy and quite solid; cheap to run as well.

buyit59, Jun 14, 1:26am
Toyota Ractis maybe ?

gabbysnana, Jun 14, 2:10am
I wanted a more meaty car so got a merc coupe, the seat jacked to the height i need, door opens wide, i can pull me bung leg up and into the car no probs.

gracey41, Jun 14, 2:31am
With respect Kazbanz the door on the Corona seems to be a good width (maybe less paneling than modern cars?), I do agree the seats are low but the seats are flatter (not so much tilt) which makes it easier for a stiff leg to swing in.

Kazbanz, in your opinion is a Toyota Sienta 1500 motor a good motor?

inkapuka, Jun 14, 4:05am
Biggest doors I've seen are on a 69 Cadillac coupe deville massive doors bench seats = bliss

tigertim20, Jun 14, 4:53am
get them something old school with suicide doors!

pc_uncorrect, Jun 14, 3:51pm
Good reliable engine, serviced well, should last many many km's & years.

kazbanz, Jun 14, 6:24pm
The Sienta is a fantastic car.Well underrated. The engine IS a Toyota corolla 1500cc. We owned one as a personal vehicle I bought it with 15000km (or 160000km and we did 10000km totally trouble free.
Gracey I would STRONGLY suggest having a look at cars with a swivelling left front seat.
This isn't make/model specific although all the ones we have had have been Toyota's
They are available out of japan and I promise you the person concerned won't know themselves.

nesta129, Jun 16, 3:41am
I have seen those seats more on Toyota Raums and Nissan Cube.

kazbanz, Jun 16, 3:57pm
I had a funcargo with one too

gracey41, Jun 23, 1:58pm
Many thanks to all the posters above for your valued posts, the couple have now bought a 2006 Toyota Sienta which the wife can now get into, still a little tight, but she is a lot happier

I know fuel octanes have been discussed for other cars but what should the Sienta be run on?

Apparently the salesman said on long journey's running it on 96 octane? gives better performance and works out more economical? But apparently when the salesman put some gas in because it was running low on the test drive he put 91 octane in.

Any suggestions on this would be much appreciated.

kazbanz, Jun 23, 3:32pm
gracey--we only run our sienta's on 91 octane fuel