Snow tyre,s

beetle1234, Jun 27, 12:51am
Alot of people say they are shit to drive on,sure not too great on tarseal,(tho they grip like a schoolboy)bloody good on gravel,wear out like condom,throw it away,?If you havn,t driven on a set then,unless you have, shut ya mouth an enjoy,they are bloody good,an I have sold manyset,s of tyres.

frytime, Jun 27, 12:54am
Yup. Bloody good in Auckland shyt in gore

tamarillo, Jun 27, 1:06am
Hasn't there been a call to ban them accept in snow? A coroner report blamed them largely for a death as they lacked grip in the conditions the driver was in.
Bought a car back from my hutt village last week that has m&s tyres on back and was cautious on the dry warm road parts of trip but they seemed fine at normal speeds, even pushed them a few times and they were okay. So now I'm not so set on throwing them out, I might as well wear them down.

Funny thing; The two m&s tyres are fitted to rear axle. It's a 4wd that gives 90% power to front unless they lose grip. Tyre shop told him to fit on back axle.

kazbanz, Jun 27, 1:09am
Beetle-I HAVE and DO drive a fair few cars on snow tyres and my experience is absolutely the opposite to yours.
They have zippitty do dahh grip. ESPECIALLY in the wet in summer or even after a bit of driving in the dry in summer.
They do wear out fast yep.
IN the intended environment--sub zero or possibly sub 4 degrees then they aren't bad. above that horrible.

intrade, Jun 27, 1:17am
there must be something different on japanese snow tyres then the rest of the worlds ones.

bwg11, Jun 27, 1:26am
I bought a car out of the north of Japan, which came on steel wheels and "snow tyres". I put it on alloys and decent tyres immediately, but did try the M&S tyres the following winter as I commute over roads prone to ice and snow. They have their place when used for their designed use but they have appalling grip and handling characteristics on dry tarmac. The title of Ralph Nader's book comes to mind, "Unsafe at any speed".

beetle1234, Jun 27, 1:29am
you are a bloodyratbag mate,love it,buy em,after the rate,s you might need a cheap tyre,cos lookin at it the roadin will be shit.

beetle1234, Jun 27, 1:41am
I agree Kaz, the tyre,s are more than suitable an they are!Great in the snowy,icy condition,s,bugga the sub zero condition,s Kaz,they are a bloody great tyre,very suitable for winter condition,s, be it just a icie morning or a bloody savage snowy day,bugga the real shitty shit,you gotta drive on the best an as more than most,the ole snow tyre,s are that. Prove me wrong. sppose you drive on ? ,or get a cab,he will have the bestest snow tyre,s he can buy mmmmmmm

ladatrouble, Jun 27, 1:54am
I know a guy who snaps up all the snow tyres he can find for gravel roads. Almost like a crossply with stiff sidewalls and a sharp edge.

franc123, Jun 27, 2:12am
Some people still confused between mud and snow and dedicated winter tyres I see, they are both legally and characteristically different.

mack77, Apr 21, 1:32pm
I used snow tyres once (not ''mud and snow" tyres-they're ok) and found them poor on dry tarmac and scary(dangerous) on wet tarmac.
They are only suitable for gravel and snow.