Where to get a weird size 10" tyre

bitsy_boffin, Jan 15, 1:27am
Gah, why do tyre places NEVER

1. list their database on their website
2. reply to emails

So I'm looking for a set of, yes very strange, 145/95R10, anybody got any ideas on a good place to try (apart from importing them from Japan myself) for such unobtanium, preferably somebody who will actually be interested enough in selling four of them to reply to an email.

I could go a lower profile (currently it's got 80's on) but even that is probably weird.

I'm in chch, but if getting them shipped is the only answer, then so be it.

curlcrown, Jan 15, 1:29am
Before emails and websites people used to use phones, they still work.

franc123, Jan 15, 1:32am
What vehicle is it on and why the need to go to such a high sidewall? You are better off sticking with the 80's, at least if one blows out or gets damaged beyond repair its easy to get another one.

tony9, Jan 15, 1:43am

lissa25, Jan 15, 3:11am
www.palmside.co.nz are in chch and they sell a few different 10's

bitsy_boffin, Jan 15, 4:24am
Today you learned that people have their own reasons for not finding using the phone convenient, or possible at all.

Of course, fair enough if the tyre shops don't want to reply to email, they're the ones not going to get potentially five or six hundred bucks because of it, their choice.

bitsy_boffin, Jan 15, 4:27am
Daihatsu Midget II. 95 is the original profile from factory, and I think it looks better.

bitsy_boffin, Jan 15, 4:28am

bitsy_boffin, Jan 15, 4:30am
Cheers also.

muzz67, Jan 15, 5:34pm
Crumbs! It could look worse,,how?.

gazzat22, Jan 16, 9:06pm
The original (proper) mini had 145,10 on ,Check with your local mini owners club.

lissa25, Jan 17, 8:17pm
See post #5, I have bought 10's from them for my mini, best prices I could find at the time and good service too.