I thought I was doing the right thing having the cambelt renewed in May. The cambelt, waterpump and thermostat were done, radiator was flushed and refilled with coolant, etc. Last week the car overheated and needed water replenished before we could get it home. Took it back to the mechanic and he checked it over. Only thing he could find was the radiator cap wasn't working properly, so a new cap went on. This week it has overheated again after travelling only 5 kms. Now I'm told the head gaskets have blown! So, any ideas what might have gone wrong? Car is a 2003 Subaru Legacy Lancaster, done 108,000kms.
Aug 18, 1:18am
Were the correct Subaru parts used? Has the thermostat been removed and checked that its not siezed shut?
Aug 18, 1:19am
I know three people who have had Subaru's do headgaskets in the last month. None were worth fixing (higher k's than yours though). It does seem like you did everything right - I wonder if it can be proven that there was an issue with any of the work that was done, resulting in the blown headgasket, or if the headgasket failed, resulting in the symptoms? If there was an issue, I would expect the garage to sort it, but if the headgasket blew due to some unrelated issue, then that is bad luck. Hope it ends up ok for you.
Aug 18, 1:27am
The thermostat was replaced when the cambelt was done. I presume Subaru parts were used. I would think the blown head gasket was a result of the overheating, not the cause. Just don't know where the water went. Mechanic couldn't find any leaks when he checked it - pressurised the cooling system, but not a drop seen. That's when he replaced the radiator cap.
Aug 18, 1:37am
Irontite it and ditch it.
Aug 18, 1:39am
faulty water pump or thermostat and again being what it is the main fault could be that its a subaru
Aug 18, 1:40am
ling-- is it a 2.5 Lancaster?
Aug 18, 2:32am
maybe mechanic didn't purge the radiator and just filled and screwed on the cap?
Aug 18, 2:33am
but I'm guessing he'll say he did.
Aug 18, 2:37am
So many variables like an exsisting hairline crack in the head etc before the work was done - or a result of the work done. Have you contacted your mechanic since he replaced the cap to remedy the problem ?
Aug 18, 2:38am
Sounds like they f**ked it up. Could be legal time if they wont have a sincere talk about a solution.
Aug 18, 2:43am
What *evidence* do you have of an error? That's a big claim to make.
Aug 18, 3:16am
Why would it suddenly overheat now after being OK for two possibly three months since the work was done? Not everything is the fault of who did the work.
Aug 18, 3:17am
True, I missed that point.
Aug 18, 3:53am
I can't believe that any mechanic worth his salt would make such a basic schoolboy error. If they did I think it be time to down tools and apply for a job weeding gardens or something.
Aug 18, 4:23am
System flush and new coolant - this cleans any debri build up around coolant passages in the head gasket and so weakening it, new coolant also acts as a cleaner. some weeks later it has a blown headgasket. Fairly common result.
Aug 18, 4:50am
This would explain the "gunk" around the old radiator cap. How common? What should the mechanic have done? The mechanic who did the cambelt now has the car and will do the work on the head gasket on Wednesday. Yes, it's a 2.5l.
Aug 18, 5:26am
What should've been done is more cooling system servicing. But that's too expensive, I'll take the cheap service thank you.
Aug 18, 5:43am
Service? Oh? Do you have to service these modern cars? Doesn't my WOF cover that? I don't need antifreeze it doesn't get cold here.
Aug 18, 5:57am
Everyone is offering cheap services around here now - it's the customer that's losing out here, but all they can see is that this service cost less than the guy up the road. I used to work with a guy who could do a full service in 9 minutes.
Aug 18, 6:00am
My car has been serviced regularly. If I was the sort of person who did not care for my car, I wouldn't have had the cambelt done! Thanks for your opinions. I realise that without looking at the car it would be difficult to come up with an answer.
Aug 18, 11:35am
open deck subby-end of K you have done ALL the right thingSs-ALAS THE ENGINE IS ZEEE WRONG ONE-IT FAILS-K
Aug 18, 3:16pm
lyng-Think about your scenario for a bit. yep you did the right thing and had the belt done.-It was done late though -(recommended change was UP TO 100k ) Then you drove your car for three months. NOW you have an overheating issue. Those 2.5l Subaru engines have a reputation for blowing head gaskets I suspect that the head gasket was gonna blow regardless of when the belt was done
Aug 19, 12:18am
get the mechanic to reverse flush the heater core as well.
Aug 20, 6:04pm
Yes, I agree.
In order to purge the system of air, you fill the radiator, and then wit the motor running, continue topping up the rad as the system pumps the water through, and after it can't take any more, leave the engine running with the rad cap OFF to let the air "burp". Continue doing this until the radiator fan starts, which will show you that the system in clear of air.
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