apparently wasn't a concern to the A train that followed me at 100 from Waiouru to National Park .
Feb 22, 3:03am
Thats a dosey.
Feb 22, 11:40pm
Feb 22, 11:52pm
stop bitching about 90 kmh / how about an asain driver doing 70 kmh . just after the takanini off ramp heading south saturday afternoon driving a high powered nissan march // makes you want to do the old pit move ! i feel much better now .
Feb 23, 8:57pm
Years ago I spent time in California and they use every lane as well !. It was summertime and there was a random shooting of someone in the 'fast' lane by the car behind . this started the madness and 3 or 4 deaths then occurred over a one month period along with lots of shots fired ! The result was that a trip over to the San Fernando Valley was 15 minutes shorter as the 'fast' lane was never jammed up . The UK also has a ( or had ! ) no passing on the left and god help you if you overstayed your welcome in the fast lane. You would get run over by a low flying Aston Martin or similar. I think the old 'Keep left unless passing' was a good law and here in CHC travel on our motorways has only got worse since those signs were removed. Tamarillo may be on to something !
Feb 24, 1:17am
If somebody is coming up behind you in the outside lane you pull over to let them go through - don't you ? - called courtesy !
Feb 24, 12:15pm
Or self preservation!
Feb 24, 1:34pm
if anything its gone the other way where I live to almost antagonism. When you look over your shoulder to see a gap to indicate & change lanes (yup, thats the correct order, not indicate, swing over then look like many do) many move up to close the gap, when overtaking many slow drivers speed then slow down again, moving up close so other cars can't merge or in stopped traffic move up & purposefully avoid eye contact to stop people pulling out of side streets etc etc etc
Feb 24, 6:34pm
a rigid vehicle connected to a semi-trailer that tows a full trailer .
Feb 24, 8:05pm
I would like to see the huge electronic boards that informs of motorway conditions etc., being used to flash up " 100KPH in the outside lane, or ******* stay left. With and added note at the next board e.g. You yes you (jmma) in the 1990 Blue/green Corolla we have you on camera.
Feb 24, 8:33pm
Yes, that and common sense. And this is the core of the problem, not the slow speed per se. I dont mind what speed people drive at, as long as they let others pass at every opportunity and keep left. Simple consideration
Feb 24, 9:32pm
add to that the idiot I encountered just now, I was waiting at an intersection having to give way to another car. Seeing a long line of oncoming traffic I thought 'cool, if he gets out of the way I'll have enough room to go', the guy looks in his mirror, slows to almost a stop so the gap is now gone, looks at me & laughs, then puts his foot down wheels squealing around the corner. grrr, becoming more & more typical of the area & breed unfortunately
Feb 24, 9:52pm
so he pulled your chain but he's the dick, not you, you just waited until the road was clear and proceeded with due caution and no rage whatsoever he ain't gonna stress diddly how you feel about his actions, why should you elevate the blood pressure over it or even try to understand why he'd want to pull your chain, it wasn't personal, its more a personality trait on his side, bet hes a very loving person otherwise,,,, Tui
Feb 24, 10:05pm
nah Im not worried as you say, it just makes me more certain of our decision to get out of here & leave these 'people' to their own stupid world. it used to wind me up, now I just sit & smile thinking of our lifestyle block & how peaceful life will be
Feb 24, 10:15pm
thats the one mate, I just smile and let them go, I know I'll be amblin up to the bach later this week, sit on the deck, sip a few, wander to the lake and catch a few, maybe even flick a fly or two over the creek on the way back, bit of luck the roaming band of wild pigs will be back in the valley and I may get a few pics of them
Feb 24, 10:17pm
I am a 90 k motorway driver. I always drive in lane one and if i need to be in lane two i speed up to 100 to 105 depending on traffic flow and get back to lane one as soon as i can
OPen road usually 90 to 95 but will always let people past me that want to go faster.
May 28, 12:45pm
I didn't take note of the company because I didn't care . he was never going to outrun me . and yes I know what a tractor unit is . the official description is rigid vehicle . apparently . so I mentioned that in case you didn't know what a tractor unit was .
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