BBC top gear line up

tamarillo, Dec 24, 1:25pm
German racing driver Sabine Schmitz and motoring journalist Chris Harris will line up with ex-Formula One star David Coulthard and Evans.
Chris is good pick, his YouTube channel is great fun, Sabine maybe, coultard. hmmmmm
Guess it will be a new beast.

audi_s_ate, Dec 24, 1:35pm
I wrote Chris Harris should be in, in a thread quite a while back. He is great, I agree his youtube channel is excellent.
Looks like it could be a pretty decent show.

ntalke, Dec 24, 3:09pm
Good choice with Sabine Schmitz,has made Clarkson look like a complete idiot a few times which would not be hard to do

socram, Dec 24, 7:33pm
It was always the total idiocy that we loved. Is the new crew idiotic enough to appeal to the non-car people, such as most wives I know, who just loved the original?

James May's total inability to do something simple such as reverse or find his way around; Clarkson's total incompetency with anything to do with tools and so on.

I caught a repeat the other day of Clarksons presentation to the Dragon's Den that I hadn't seen before. I really can't see any of the new crew doing anything like that, but we'll have to wait and see.

marmar1, Dec 24, 11:03pm
If it's on free to air I will watch it with an open mind.

tamarillo, Dec 24, 11:07pm
That's the way. It's obviously going to be whole different dynamic and it would of been dumb trying to replicate the old one.
My question mark is on coultard. They've got Sabine as expert driver and Harris isn't shabby either. Maybe coultard is stig.

kazbanz, Dec 24, 11:22pm
It will just be another 5th gear I suspect. Trying but not getting there.

butterfly05, Dec 26, 3:11pm
Yeah its amusing the first couple of times you watch all the gags. But when they continued with the same type of gags show after show it got a bit tyresome for me.

toyboy3, Dec 26, 5:30pm
It could be a wheely good show

mals69, Dec 26, 6:08pm
Diff strokes for diff folks - much prefer 5th gear with being
more car focused instead of 3 dudes doing staged trips
through India etc racing a plane from hungry to london

andrewcg53, Dec 26, 6:21pm
There was a reason millions watched and it was not the cars even the US and Australian versions have missed the mark of the original.
I can see Top Gear dying a slow death

elect70, Dec 26, 9:30pm
Yank series is better than it was , just the 3 guys tearing around the country none of the other BS . Certainly had enough of TG reruns to last a lifetime

purple666, Dec 26, 9:35pm
A girl presenter on TG? Whatever next.

solarboy, Dec 27, 1:56am
Been a few before :- " She's not the first woman to join the top gear team. In 1977 the show's first presenter was Angela Rippon. She was succeeded by Gill Pryah in 79 to 80 and Sue Baker from 1980 to 91. Most recently, racing driver Vicki Butler-Henderson was a presenter from 1997 to 2001."

sw20, Dec 27, 2:06am
Chris Harris is quite the presenter. Very entertaining and has a very good command of the English language. Gets sideways a copious amount on every video too.

socram, Dec 27, 2:10am
If it is just a car programme, half the regular watchers will walk away.

It hasn't been a 'car' programme for ages and that is exactly why it has had such a broad international appeal.

They'll have to reinvent it and I have no idea what they'll do to maintain the popularity. They are following a very tough act - whether you are a fan or not, it worked.

bryshaw, Apr 24, 9:26pm
The three are really a comedy act, and you just can't replicate the way they bounce off each other. Being good friends helps a lot too.