BA Falcon rear left suspension noisy

2pennies, Oct 4, 1:39pm
Hi out there suspension experts, my BA Falcon rather noisy.
It makes quite a heavy thumping type sound when going over bumps and it is like metal on metal.
I have replaced rear and front sway bar links and bushes.
I am picking either rear upper and lower control arms and/or blade control arm.
Any thoughts out there

mugenb20b, Oct 4, 1:43pm
Check shock bushes.

casper35, Oct 4, 3:13pm
Yes check your shocks. Mine was doing the same and it was my left shock stuffed inside.

twink19, Oct 4, 7:54pm
some BA models had a rear ball joint problem

franc123, Oct 4, 7:58pm
Rose joint failure is not uncommon, I've also heard of diff mount failure occurring on them too.

michael555, Oct 4, 11:50pm
Check the bushes. Replaced mine two months ago. Cost about $270 I think

stornello, Oct 4, 11:59pm
Top shock bush - looks ok, put your hand on it and bounce the car a bit, you'll feel the movement.

mileyfan73, Oct 5, 2:23am
My EFII had the same problem was worn shock.$300 a pair plus fitting.Quiet as a dead mouse now.

2pennies, Mar 24, 1:18pm
Hey guys, how can you tell if its the Rose Bushes or the Diff Bushes
Any ways to test