Posting advice please

kazbanz, Sep 17, 1:04am
hey guys Im at a bit of a loss on how to post this so its not an advert etc and not self promotion.
Suggestions please cos I think its a really good cause.
Someone I know is heading to Vanuatu on 28/9/2015 ( a couple of weeks.)
Because their kids have outgrown their football(soccer) boots they asked a couple of the football guys in Vanuatu if any of the kids in Vila would appreciate slightly used soccer boots.
The reply was a resounding YES PLEASE
.It turns out in the aftermath of Hurricane Pam there is no way in a lot of cases families can afford to buy soccer boots for their kids.
So if anyone has any boots their kids have outgrown they would be very happy to grab them and take them to vanuatu.
Im told that every pair will go to the kids soccer team (or teams) based in Mele Village which was one part of Vanuatu hammered by Pam.
So any ideas guys ?

socram, Sep 17, 4:41am
A drop box at one or two locations? Can't be seen as self promotion.

tintop, Sep 17, 4:41am
Try the soccer writer in the Herald ? - Ian Hawkey

Give Ian a ring. Still a few days . They may be able to shoehorn something in .

daryl14, Jun 9, 10:38pm
Get hold of your Local soccer club management and ask them to put out an email to say drop boots off at such and such a car dealers yard. You will be inundated.