Fiat Stilo Throttle body!

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poppy62, Sep 26, 8:34pm
Hi guys! '04 Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v ( ared one so it's stopped) , all the codes were pointing to a throttle body issue some generic and a couple manufacturer code. Car will start smoothly but run roughish after a few seconds. It's (obviously in limp mode ) rev range is up to a max of 2k and occasionally 2.5K. Replaced the T/Body with one off a known running (very well) car but same problem and codes. Son is Auto Sparky came over with scanners and oscilloscope and "said" T/Body. have tried the Ignition on for a minute off for a min and start. She's ( It's a Toni ) a no go a. Checked the google pages seems like it's affecting a few others, but no real answers out there. Any suggestions. Car has done 104k.

llortmt, Sep 26, 8:44pm
It's a shame he didn't at least pull some codes and/or look at live data while he was there with all that kit!

poppy62, Sep 26, 8:54pm
Codes that are coming up are P1686 , P1687, P1684, managed to get rid of the first 2 (by clearing them) but P1684 is a constant. Plugged my little OBD11 scanner in and it's also saying in the I/M section that the Misfire, Fuel, Cat, CCM, O2 and H2O2 are all "not ready". May change the battery and see what happens.

gsimpson, Sep 26, 10:42pm
Suggest you go to

He may be using a generic ODB2 scanner. Using multiecuscan will give more detailed information and is not expensive. Free download.

jmma, Sep 26, 10:57pm
T/Body might stand for Tired Body, oh wait you are talking about a car, not yourself :oP
Hope you sort it poppy!

franc123, Sep 26, 11:07pm
The ETB may well have been faulty but until you performed a relearn on the replacement one it might still run like crap.

poppy62, Sep 27, 1:42am
Thanks guys, have done the relearn procedure, marginally better. One question I have is, the butterfly has 86 degree stamped on it . is this the angle of the butterfly valve to the intake chamber it's in? meaning that the butterfly is set with a 4 degree opening at start/idle. I took the original apart to look at the gear mechanism driven by the t/body motor and not that the sector gear is nowhere near the stop ( screw adjuster). Is it so, that when the ignition is turned on, the motor in the T/body immediately sets the butterfly position and the factory adjustment on the adjuster screw prevents the butterfly inverting. Iask because I cant see how the sector gear ever gets close to the screw in question. There appears to be a 8-10 mm gap. thanks in advance.

poppy62, Sep 27, 1:43am
Hi mate, if i don't solve it, there'll be some "body" that I'd like to Throttle.

bigfatmat1, Sep 27, 3:14pm
Th reason the others are not ready is because there is a fault code. I would check for a blocked or split vacuum line particularly to map sensor if it has one.

gsimpson, Sep 27, 6:14pm

intrade, Sep 27, 9:33pm
Post your long term and short term fuel trims in idle and higher rpm 3000 or so

poppy62, Sep 27, 10:57pm
Hi Intrade mate! engine won't go past 2000rpm, No response to the accelerator pedal from the throttle body butterfly valve. Consatnt error code now is P1684.

poppy62, Sep 27, 11:01pm
Hi Gsimpson! thanks for the couple of replies I have previously spent a few hours reading through the many Throttle body problems and fixes. Although there are some with what appears to be the same issues they have various results in success. Have removed the ECU to have it checked out. Will keep all posted as these electronic issues are exasperating to say the least.

poppy62, Sep 27, 11:04pm
BTW forgot to mention the link you posted is "a no go"

bigfatmat1, Sep 28, 12:46am
What is your definition for the code P1684? I think that more than likely the ecu sees this as a serious code and chances are its in torque reduction mode, hence the will not rev past 2000rpm. When i quickly googled that code as its not one I have come across before I got from the stilo forum Metering Oil Pump Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction. Most of the throttle body codes I come across are not throttle body faults and are quite often not the tb itself., rather in need of a relearn because the battery has been disconnected, they have been cleaned or need cleaning and a relearn. As well as vacuum and blockages map sensor and or boost pressure sensor faults all can give throttle body codes.

poppy62, Sep 28, 1:16am
Thanks BFM, I did see that the code was related to the Metering oil Pump otherwise known as the throttle body. I have cleaned the T/B and followed the relearn sequence. There is a possibility it may have to be set up with Fiat diag/ equipment. In meantime i'm getting the ECU checked out.

gsimpson, Sep 28, 1:17am
OK try this page.
Search for P1684
You may need to login to Fiatforum?

bigfatmat1, Sep 28, 1:56am
When you get it back if there is no fault found. Be sure to check the map sensor because this is how it will check the throttle body position. In previous experience with other makes and tb position codes it only takes a small amount of carbon on the sensor before the two signals become out of range bringing up a tb code. Also check for splits in vacuum lines as well as any filters or attachments near the map sensor for blockages or splits good luck! Keep us posted when you get to the bottom of it. I take it you did a manual relearn rather than a scantool relearn as the manual relearn can be a bit hit on miss on quite a few cars

poppy62, Sep 28, 2:45am
Thanks, did the manual relearn on the replacement T/B. will get a scan tool one when I get the ECU back. Son reckons they've just got a new Auto tech scan programme (didn't quite get what he mumbled) and will wait till he has a go at it. Cheers BFM

poppy62, Oct 31, 3:36pm
Back again, had the ECU in for check and repairs, 2 diodes and a linear circuit replaced. Fitted the ECU and checked the Throttle body was pre-setting before start up. Engine now running at smooth idle but will only rev to 1200rpm. Did a relearn no difference. Pulled off the T/body checked butterfly operation and fitted plug back on. Decided to run a negative lead to T/Body before fitting it back so that I could see the butterfly operate when Ignition is turned on. All OK! bolted T/body back up kept the negative lead connected to the T/body and fired it up and Hey presto the engine revs out. However the Rev counter stopped working, took off the lead and rev counter back on ( did reconnect the lead again however and rev counter OK). BUT the dread MIL is on. I cleared 3X fault codes. No codes coming up but EML still on . Moved the Crank position sensor in to .040 0f the segmented wheel, started engine now EML flashing . No fault codes coming up though. Any ideas. Thanks guys.

gsimpson, Oct 31, 5:36pm
Use the multiecuscan program or at least try the download. Provides detailed information and service procedures for these cars.

budgel, Oct 31, 10:36pm
May be the accelerator potentiometer.

poppy62, Nov 1, 1:57am
No codes showing. but will have a look. thanks.

fordcrzy, Nov 1, 1:43am
bad wiring loom? does the TB have two circuits on it and when you bridged the earth it caused the ecu to see the change in current through it. go and check your loom and earth connections with a multi meter and then get back to us. so many people think that "checking connections" means "yeah that looks ok" but it aint.

poppy62, Nov 3, 1:47am
Right an update for those of you who kindly helped with ideas. The car is going great (touching my wooden forehead). Apparently the Cam sensor needed a relearn although the Crank position sensor was the fault code. Anyway one for the memory banks for those interested. Relearn procedure is as follows. (1) take engine up to normal operating temp. (2) rev motor to 5k and (foot off) allow to return to idle repeat twice more (3X total) and hey presto EML light goes out and beeping stops. All good to go. Thanks for the comments guys much appreciated.