Does this indicate you have left the water in the pipe for a month while you think about it?
Jan 21, 10:23pm
I wouldn't bother revving it too much, heat alone will evaporate the water.
Jan 21, 10:32pm
Um two ways to look at it- The rev limit is how high you can rev the car before the rev limiter cuts the ignition or the words I should have used which is redline so the point on the rev counter where the rpm shows in red -so stay below that
Jan 21, 10:34pm
Yea um but yea but nahhh.--Um if its caused the cat light to come on that's a truck load of water so a fair bit of it needs to be blown out the back before it can get to the point of evaporating.
Jan 21, 10:36pm
Why not wait another month or so and give rust a chance to release the water without the need to discover how hard to rev it.
Jan 21, 10:48pm
If he really squirted a LOT of water up there, could the O2 sensor in the manifold have got submerged in water? I imagine that would trigger all sorts of "check engine" issues. But should be fine once dried out.
Jan 22, 12:29am
You would be very unlucky for Mr 3 to have got enough water in to hydrolock the motor. And as you have already started it, you know that to be the case. There is tons of water in normal exhaust gases. Drive it till it clears. Then drive it.
Jan 22, 12:44am
Brake fluid.
Jan 22, 12:44am
If it was parked extremely nose down, it could fill up a bit. There is a hump in the tailpipe right ahead of the rear muffler, that would stop water from going much further. Hence, if it was parked flattish, water would be running out as fast as it went in, and wouldn't even be getting past the hump.
Jan 22, 2:41am
Parked fairly flat.
Jan 22, 4:06am
So, have you got the water out yet or not?
Jan 22, 1:21pm
If you haven't sorted it out now then theres likely to be other issues now
Jan 23, 12:57am
One quick burst of the 'jandal' would sort that out.
Dec 28, 12:47am
absolutely nothing
if it was a couple of squirts of water from a water pistol
if it was a few minutes of the gardenhose jammed in there at full open then yep you could expect a few problems
but I doubt a 3yr would have the nouse to be able to seal off a garden hose suffice to cause any issue
Dec 28, 12:47am
well answer the question of how much water?
Dec 28, 12:48am
The light is prob just the cat conv light
Dec 28, 12:49am
Tell him water injection goes in the inlet, not the exhaust.
Dec 28, 12:53am
Shouldn't do anything, take it for a good blast (under 101kmh of course), and blow all the water and steam out, a few people might point and laugh and think oh dear another turbo about to blow on those things but that's all.
Dec 28, 1:04am
Could be just coincidental these things happening at once. Sounds like it may have a few issues.
Dec 28, 2:06am
Cat o2 sensors?
Dec 28, 4:05am
Most likely mr 3 has blown enough water down the pipe to get into the catalytic converter (part of the exhaust) this will leave an orange light on the dash.My thinking is that you need to shift the water out which means getting the engine fairly hot. I would take the car for a drive at highish rpm -at least a 10 minute drive. Then once the engine is hot I'd get the revs up to close to the rev limit for a minute or two. -don't park the car near anything that will get colored by wet soot when you do it.This will not damage the engine but it is your best chance to dry out the cat. Then to remove the stored codes (the flashing light) disconnect the battery for 10 minutes.
Dec 28, 4:24am
I agree with the "Take it for a drive, get it warm, and blow the water out as steam" idea.
If there are other issues, deal with them after that.
Jan 14, 10:54am
What was Mr 3 thinking? If he really wanted to impress you he would have squirted diesel up your exhaust pipe, much more impressive clouds!
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