Need some 205/60-16s for the Lancer but I haven't bought car tyres in years so not sure if there is anything better than anything else for small cars or not? I drive on very demanding roads (WRC and Targa stages) on a daily basis so I have only got 18,000km from the standard OEM Yokohamas and I would say I am a slower and more careful than average driver so tyre life and grip in all conditions are up there in my requirements to get them to last. Not too worried by brand or price, as long as they are relatively sensible.
Any good tips?
Jun 2, 3:19pm
18,000 km out of a set of tyres , you need to look at your driving style ! Sounds like any tyres you would get would not last long .
Jun 2, 3:22pm
It is pretty difficult to get better mileage than that on the roads I drive, even the elderly folk down the road struggle to get 20,000km from a set of tyres.
Jun 2, 3:59pm
more and more asian tyres seem to make it to the top for low price and ranking just below the expensive good tyres like micheline and pirelli p zero and there like. the best i had found a few years ago where jinyu tyres my self
Jun 2, 4:36pm
I have Pirelli P Zero tyres on a heavy car , all wheel drive and drive on all sorts of roads including many earthquake damaged roads and shingle ones and have done over 30,000 km and the Tyres are only about 1/2 worn . Thats why I say look at your driving .
Jun 2, 5:10pm
Be very very carefull.its the sidwall strength that you need to be wary of.have found Chinese three and such to have very weak sidewalls hence the tyres move a lot under load and this causes heating. Oh and I actually work in a Tyre shop. We actually have a set of 16s that have been sitting and getting nice and hard on the shelf.will take a look at size and get back to you as the boss wants them sold.think they are 245/?/16. To wide?
Jun 2, 5:33pm
Too wide sorry Mainlander. I talked to my local tyre shop guys and got a deal on some Firestone tyres they think will go well for me. They said getting 18,000km is not bad at all for my area, plenty of people are getting a lot less, even on 4x4 tyres. There is more than 400 corners in 25 km between my house and town, and lots of hills, off camber bits and mid corner bumps that just eat tyres.
Jun 2, 6:56pm
I'd suggest he looks at his wheel alignment. And tyre pressures.
Jun 2, 8:08pm
I'd get the decent firestones suggested, or Bridgestone that Firestone also sale. Worth it for your driving and roads both of which sound demanding. Plus local tyre shop will back them up.
Jun 2, 8:13pm
The Goodyear Assurance Triplemax is a very good tyre. Quiet and decent roadholding too.
Based on your driving style - in which you said you were a slower, more careful driver than average, I feel that this would suit your needs very well.
Jun 2, 11:10pm
Anybody getting more than 30000 ks out of Pirelli P zeros is the exception rather than the rule . on any roads.
Jun 2, 11:13pm
I like firestone, always had them handle well. Firestone franchise owner was saying they producing four times the amount per day in Indonesia compred to the old Ch-Ch plant and built better, balance up better.
Jun 2, 11:14pm
So you want to sell him a set of 16s your having trouble shifting ? lol
Jun 3, 12:21am
No was a set inherited from last they are 45 profile will only fit specific cars which in whitianga we don't get a lot of boy racer types.and as you would know if your head wasn't up your butt so far,that 16s are car specific as well. Try to help someone and get an idiot mouthing off.
Jun 3, 12:43am
Pull your wooly head in sunshine i was joking. How ever you've just admitted their a set that's been sitting around from a previous owner of the business- their not the same size as he has now
and your suggesting these particular tyres are vehicle specific- which won't be his vehicle because they weren't oe fitment on his car.
what's that brown stuff around your neck son?
Jun 3, 2:33pm
According to the tyre place I got them from you are talking rubbish they sold a lot of these tyres and have had many comments on the milage people are getting from them , one smaller car they put them on has done over 45,000 km and they still have legal tread on them .
Jun 3, 4:11pm
I sold Pirellis for over 20 years PZero was their uLtra high performance tyre was very rare to see them doing more than 30- 35 k. Between 25-35 k usually saw them down to the tread markers and we tended to pull them off earlier because the customers with P zeros usually worked hard and played in the cars hard .
They were sold on stickability, relability and predictability rarely mileage. To get all of the first 3 things usually means compromising the last unless there have been major changes recently . so my point was the mileage likely was more about your driving style and car care . half worn P zeros after 30k would be unusual I would have thought.
Your tyre shop talks about a small car getting 45 k, we had a Ferrari owner get 16k out of a set and complain to us . We talked to Pirelli who referred to the Ferrari agent- their comment was " Tell him to stop moaning. if the car falls off the road because of the tyres then he can complain. " Word was the guy liked to push his toys very hard.
Jun 3, 9:32pm
gravel roads?
if tarseal roads i would look at tire pressures and shocks/bushes. fast wear is often caused by tires slipping on the road surface. it only has to be a fraction (which is unnoticeable) but often, and it will cause a lot of wear. good shocks and finding the right pressure can help a bit, but with poor roads it may not improve it a lot.
Jun 4, 12:04am
Hiya scuba.that's called a tan my My apologies to you. Tyres were wrong anyways. They are 205/40/16. Weird size for most cars and that's why old owner couldn't shift them. They are Toyo proxies if anyone needs or wants a set. Very hard to move 16s in that profile.
Jun 4, 12:09am
We have new potenza three which are grippy but we tell the customer he/she will not get good mileage at has been said,hard driving and the Tyre life dies.hence get top grade with tough sidewalls.
Jun 4, 12:56am
Tan. lol .good one.
Jun 4, 4:44am
You have to admit,that being from Dunedin you probably need to Google what a tan is huh.we are so used to everybody having tans here in may need to Google where that is to.:-)
Jun 4, 5:38am
The only thing i need to google today is the best place to buy water wings.
I got cousin at Tairua so got a fair idea where Whitianga is.
Jun 4, 4:06pm
Just kidding:-) .yes saw the news about Dunedin.spent 5 yrs in oamaru.I have a boat you may lend till it all gets sorted.out with the squeegee.:-)
Jun 4, 5:56pm
If yohohama motorbike tyres are anything to go by your tyre life looks normal, heard soft rubber intended for Japanese roads. Always had good milage out of Firestone. Old guys saying other day he got lot more mileage out of Michelin than Firestone.
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