Vintage cars

1937rod, Jun 19, 1:39am
Its hard to track down parts since trademe has done away with wanted to buy

whqqsh, Jun 19, 1:46am
agree, I got a few sought after parts through wanted ads that hadn't shown up on saved searches for some time

gmphil, Jun 19, 1:50am
agree !
saved a search as now suggested to do in get email every day .
thing is had a bit of time to kill so was just lookin and come across a item of said description closing in 2 hours so saved and after was relisted still wasn't sent email on saved search on either occasion

lookoutas, Jun 19, 1:51am
That means you come on here, and they lose out.

Did you try Horopito?
Not a big drive for you on a lazy Saturday.

thecoolshop, Jun 19, 1:56am
Facebook groups are where the parts are now.

1937rod, Jun 19, 2:00am
how dose that work I am to face book and do not know how advertise for parts

1937rod, Jun 19, 2:04am
good idea thanks

lookoutas, Jun 19, 2:12am
They think everything is gold plated.
But if you need it?

You could have a scout around for an Anglia swaybar for kat35.

What happened to your other thread - was someone going to miss out?

1937rod, Jun 19, 2:23am
Yeah funny that it vanished ?

pfemstn, Jun 19, 3:03pm
why not just ask here! TM might just get the message if lots of people do it!

tamarillo, Jun 19, 11:37pm
Cause it's against their rules and you'll get a slap on the hand.
I guess they simply were not making money from wanted ads as buyer and seller simply deal.

gmphil, Jun 19, 11:44pm
tamarillo wrote:

Cause it's against their rules and you'll get a slap on the hand.

ge,s louise this is getting old now ! ^^^^
are u a mod ?
best left upto trademe !

gsimpson, Jun 20, 12:09am
You could try the VCC forum too.

thecoolshop, May 21, 4:05am
Search on Facebook for the car you are wanting parts for just like you'd search for a friend. You'll see groups/pages come up.

Here are a couple of examples:

Join the page ask ask your questions :)