Anyone know of a reasonably priced mobile mechanic on the north shore? Must be experienced with European cars!
Bit of a long story but I've broken my mates Porsche and need to get it fixed before he comes back from overseas!
Jun 6, 6:44pm
Sounds like an interesting story. Please share!
Jun 6, 6:47pm
Well lets just say that "Hopefully" it'll be one of those stories we look back and laugh about!
Jun 6, 7:48pm
wont be till ya fix it that for sure
Jun 6, 8:20pm
well you dont want morons on it tell us exactly what you did ? make model year and how you think you broke it?
Jun 7, 12:06am
OK So it's a 2006 Boxster (986?), my mate's working overseas so it's a real pity it's locked up all the time, those things were meant to be driven! (and boy can it be driven!) I've taken it for an occasional drive, you know to keep it in working order! :-D However last time I left a phone changer plugged into the lighter socket and the batteries died. Because everything's electric it's locked up, but thankfully the roof is down.
Oh and the keys locked in the ignition. :-/
ok before you laugh and say easy, here's what we've tried.
1) Small hole in ignition bezel to release the key. - there isn't one nor is there a button. 2) Connect 12v supply to stud in fuse box. - some dodgy prick has butchered it as a 12v supply for god knows what. 3) "secret" latch behind front wheel - front wheel has locking nut, locking socket is in boot, see above. 4) coat hanger to release bonnet - this model has a security latch, AFAIK so cant be released
Any constructive advice will be welcome (possibly with a bottle of your fav plonk if it works), I don't mind paying to get someone around just don't wanna pay for some guy to Google cause I've done that without any luck.
Jun 7, 12:13am
12V supply into the lighter socket? (o:
Jun 7, 12:28am
yea aware of that, not sure how safe it is tho, any thoughts? last thing I wanna do is fry the sucker! :-(
Jun 7, 12:33am
its easy.
there is a little fuse that pulls out. power that up and every thing works
yep that fuse that pulls out is a stud that's wired to the battery, someones used it as a 12volt feed and now it cant be used to charge the battery without removing the wiring and I'm not keen enough to do the wiring myself on someone else's 50K Porsche.
Ditto for jacking directly into a fuse. hence wanting to pay someone (who hopefully knows what their doing) to do it.
Jun 7, 12:43am
BTW I'm not an idiot, I've built kit cars, have swapped engines and do most of my own maintenance.
Jun 7, 12:54am
fair call.
it shouldn't be to hard to track the feed.
i am mobile but it is against mb rules so i would recommend a sparky rather than mechanic.
Jun 7, 1:24am
Ok good thing you asked first. you need to charge the battery with a electronic smart charger back to full charge , then it possibe needs to go on to a scanner fro releraning basic settings and programming the battery capaciti in to the engine managment again
Jun 7, 1:27am
if it drained the battery you should be able to feed it power thru the port with one of the 12 volt supply in reverse unlock things and access the battery for charging.?
Jun 7, 1:29am
Mecanix good idea re sparky needed. Sparky more likely to be mobile too.
Jun 7, 1:33am
yea prob makes sense! Hmm need to start a new thread, mobile sparky needed! lol
Jun 7, 1:33am
now i dont know if a porsche needs relearning here is what rosstech write about porsche Porsche: Although Porsche SE and Volkswagen AG have taken steps to merge, Porsche still does diagnostics quite differently than VW so VCDS does not do OEM diagnostics on most Porsche systems. However, we've heard good things about Durametric's Diagnostic Tool for Porsche mecanix dou you have that diagnostic scanner for porsche? otherwise you would drive it to gilltrap prestiege for a full relearn after battery was dead = the same as a battery replace .
Jun 7, 1:38am
in worst case it needs to be towed by AA to gilltrap prestige so they can plug there oem tools on it before you really damage something whatch this video what needs doing on a 2006 passat after battery was dead. 5minutes 18 secounds vw starts
Jun 7, 1:45am
Okay here is a very unusual post from me. Henderson Police Station Detective Sergeant Megan Goldie (Megan is ex Fast Forward porsche garage central city and now a cop) Newer than when she was doin em but damn-she was one of the best.
Keerist nexx Min ya'll be wantin a pic of me balls (Walls Balls- Dat is- lol)
Jul 17, 4:07am
have you tried powering up the stud.
if its being used as a feed then it must still be connected to the battry and should still work.
the worse that could happen would be what ever its feeding being powered up.
a quick test with an ohm metre should comfirm.
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