Starter motor removal

clothesline2011, Sep 11, 2:13am
Whats the best way to take out starter motor in a 94 honda odyessa ?

jmma, Sep 11, 2:29am

kazbanz, Sep 11, 4:52pm
Pay a mechanic to do it

macman26, Sep 11, 7:59pm
Like a lot of cars these days all engine parts are accessed through the exhaust pipe.
Forgot to add. Need to learn new swear words to suit the job.

woki, Sep 11, 8:21pm
Easiest and quickest way is to use a steel cable .

hamhonda, Sep 11, 8:27pm
First of all disconnect the battery then take the plastic air intake pipe off so you can see the starter better. Disconnect the main power cable from the starter (12mm nut) & then the other wire which is just a push on spade terminal. Then remove the rear lower bolt first, 14mm head, you can't actually see the bolt as its under the rear of the starter. Best to use a 3/8 drive socket & extension as it is a tight fit. Then remove the front 14mm head bolt.

clothesline2011, Sep 11, 10:48pm
thanks all, was the wife asking as its her car, i was just unsure if there was enough clearance with the mount being behind it, looks like its not issue so guess thats tomorrows job, cheers all

hamhonda, Jul 6, 2:26pm
Yer, it is a tight fit for that rear bolt but as long as you use the 3/8 drive socket set you should be fine. Also use a 3/8 strong bar/power bar, ratchet will fit but its a lot easier to start undoing it with the power bar