Need some advice

michellemc, Jan 8, 5:05am
what is best a geely Gl 2010 or a Mitsubishi colt 2004

andy61, Jan 8, 1:11pm
Sadly they are as bad as each other, but surely the Geely will be better.

vtecintegra, Jan 8, 1:27pm
Why are these your only choices?

Anyway the Colt isn't a bad car, just not a particularly good one either.

michellemc, Jan 8, 1:46pm
its all my car dealer has in my budget that will accept me has not good credit but needing a good runner as I,m a merchandiser and travel a lot my car is started to cost me money I got

ambo11, Jan 8, 1:49pm
Personally I'd go with the Colt, the chinese cars wouldn't have the same quality of metal etc in the engines/autos I'd imagine. colt would be easier to buy parts for etc as well. I'm no Mitsubishi fan but I'd avoid the Geely personally.

tamarillo, Jan 8, 2:57pm
Why only the one dealer? See you're in motueka and think I know which dealer, but be aware that you can get finance privately and when you're offered finance when you've a bad credit rating it's often the car that is overpriced and making the money.
Assume you're looking about $5000, how much deposit?
Neither choice is a very good one btw.

michellemc, Jan 8, 4:44pm
they didn't ask about my credit my car a trade in he been in the business 60yrs my mate got her car yesterday was not over price compared to the other one here in mot and very low ks

kazbanz, Jan 8, 6:37pm
Have you considered the option -NEITHER.
why not find out what your car needs in the next year or two and get a loan to pay that and possibly clear up your bad creadit.
I bet it will be thousands less that either of those two options.

tamarillo, Jan 8, 6:38pm
Ok, my point was that same car can be a lot cheaper privately, but not always. But if you're happy with dealer fine.
How many miles does each have?

michellemc, Jan 8, 7:09pm
its a 2006 38,000 6500 just saw mechanic he says go for the colt not geely