Old Skool car audio enthusiasts. A question

12rider, May 23, 5:15pm
I have two Rockford Fosgate P4004 amp's, one of which has "just stopped", no protect mode or overheat L.E.D's illuminated, no loss of the all important "blue smoke", big bangs or meltdowns. Just, going fine one day, next time I started the vehicle no output from the sub amp. Have checked the fuses & they are fine, it powers up as per normal just no output, like a fet or a final has gone. Sent it over to the ever helpful Kelley at Axent & he passed it onto Ross McAllister who doesn't want to touch it because its "to old" (this answer seriously sh*ts me whenever I hear it)
I guess my question is can anyone on here suggest someone or a company whom I may approach to have the old girl repaired. These were the best you could buy back in the day & still kick some very serious butt. Besides that, who doesn't dig a bit of chrome in an old skool ride http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/products/details/p4004 Any help appreciated - cheers Scott

ola_bitchola1, May 23, 6:09pm
possibly try a audio specialist like retrotronics or similar

purple666, May 23, 6:09pm
Old Skool with L.E.D's? Hell I must be getting old.

12rider, May 23, 6:15pm
In this day & age - yes 2003 is considered old skool to current day repairers or maybe I should re phrase that & refer to them as parts fitters because they sure as hell aren't interested in "repairing". Cheers

12rider, May 23, 6:15pm
Thank you will give them a call. Cheers

morrisjvan, May 24, 12:47am
''old school'' car audio is an autocrat cassette player, with a push button radio to tune in all those sweet AM stations.

sniffnutts, May 24, 12:56am
Take it to prime tv hi fi repairs trading place Henderson

tony9, May 24, 1:56am
I guess it is all relevant. For me it is a car radio that will flatten the battery in 10 minutes unless the engine is running above idle.

johotech, May 24, 1:59am

2sheddies, May 24, 2:04am
And an 8 track player!

Haha. snap #9!

tmenz, May 24, 6:16pm
I recently worked on an 'old-school' (1960s) Blaupunkt hybrid valve/transistor radio from a Porsche 356!
Push-pull transistors in the output producing a whip-cracking 4 Watts of audio!

Like this one:

I reckon I can fix the aforementioned amp!

fordcrzy, May 25, 2:08am
many of the older amps run a little preamp chip like a 3586 or opa1664 chip that seem to fail on a regular basis. try audioenz forum for repairers

tmenz, May 26, 3:43pm
The Rockford Fosgate P400-4 uses TL072s.

fordcrzy, May 26, 5:43pm
Yes im not sure exactly which chip. but its a likely culprit. ive had a pheonix gold amp and a rotel preamp with that fault

kazbanz, May 27, 12:08am
given its an "oldschoool" radio I'd say you need to test all the valves to see if any have blown.

artbyjan, Sep 9, 5:34am
Which ones, inlet or exhaust?