Does a toyota runnx have a fuel

reeb, May 19, 11:41pm
pump? in fact do all cars have fuel pump,petrol models? i know the modern diesels don't i thought that was old school. just wondering thanks.

jmma, May 19, 11:44pm
Uuummm, I think it will have, It has to get the petrol to the engine somehow. What diesels don't have pumps?

reeb, May 19, 11:48pm
ahh i swore to my gf that they don't ok, but where are the diesel ones sutuated on a courier, this is all new news to me. though it was by suction.

jmma, May 19, 11:51pm
You are partly right. The pump sucks, then it blows Lol (o:

reeb, May 19, 11:53pm
i just got bumbed out, learnt something new, like to know where it is on my courier tho.

jmma, May 19, 11:56pm
Probably a big thing with lots of pipes coming off it under manifold area. What year Courier?

reeb, May 19, 11:58pm

jmma, May 20, 12:00am

daryl14, May 20, 12:20am
I am stunned. Not that your girlfriend knows more about cars than you. But that you did not put this question to google to save some face before posting on a forum.

intrade, May 20, 12:56am
ok poster 1 you got quite a few facts wrong , any petrol injected car has a electric fuel pump. older diesel dont have a fuelpump electric as they have a suction pump isnide the mechanical rortary pump. some have a mechanical lift pump like old carburettor pwetrol engines.
Modern diesel almost all have 1 ore more in tank fuelpump to feed diesel up to the high pressure pump. one that dont are some ford and they destroy the commonrail pump if you crank em long enough dry . mercedes have a mechanical gearpump on the generation one commonrail bosch system , but mostly you can say modern cars have more then not a electric pump.

kazbanz, May 20, 1:00am
Toyota runx--remove rear seat squab and you'll see the top of the fuel tank and the top of the lil electric fuel pump

pozzie-nz, Jan 21, 12:57pm
+1 Filter is built into it and is not the strainer on the bottom.