Zero death cars

billyfieldman, Sep 30, 1:18am
Five out of the nine were Japanese cars. Only three were European.

_frodo_, Sep 30, 1:25am
Are you on school holidays?

cabrio1, Sep 30, 1:28am
My car isn't on the list? Am I about to die?

stevo2, Sep 30, 1:34am
4WD enthusiasts will be happy and claim 7 of the 9 are 4WDs

mm12345, Sep 30, 1:45am
Complete details here:

mrfxit, Sep 30, 2:05am
LOL, 6 of those are not exactly joe blogg's mainstream models

pauldw, Sep 30, 3:42am
The trouble with "safe" cars like Volvos is that they attract bad drivers.

XC90 driver as close to death as he'd want to be.

pebbles61, Sep 30, 4:29am
Driving a Honda Odyssey must be akin to being dead? (on the inside at least)

tamarillo, Sep 30, 2:10pm
What completely meaningless stats!
So no one driving one of those was killed in crash in 2011.
Takes no account of numbers on US roads.
Nor of drivers of said vehicles.
A boring grey box with few sales, that is only bought by people uninterested in driving and tend to be safe, slow, quiet drivers with few miles, is going to win.
Meaning full stats are the ones about how many fatalities a car has per 100 major crashes.
Really weird is that the Kia Rio is the worst, the a Nissan and a Hyundai.

mm12345, Sep 30, 2:42pm

Seems to be a contest between car makers in the US - who can pay the most in penalties.

3tomany, Sep 30, 3:21pm
the list might say more about the type of buyer they attract than the safety of the vehicle.

3tomany, Apr 11, 10:32pm
And the or two are jacked up 2wd so that says a high centre of gravity is not the killer some would have us believe.