Wof brake question

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stockyz, Apr 3, 12:48am
hi i have a question about brake percentages.My car failed a wof at vtnz cambridge this arvo and i dont know why.this is what the test sheet says

axle 1 L 280 R 290 max % imbalance 18
axle 2 L220 R 200 max %imbalance 45

msigg, Apr 3, 12:59am
well the brake are not pulling up even or close to it, you need to find out which one/2 and rectify it.Did you warm them up beforehand, it does pay to do this. Looks like you need to get the 220 and 200 up a bit, i could be reading this wrong though, someone will be along soon and give some more information.

snoopy221, Apr 3, 1:02am
Reality is you have supplied half of the readings.
The right rear foot brake is showing as low-however the handbrake readings are not supplied.
Also make, year and model would assist-agree re cold brake readings

stockyz, Apr 3, 1:03am
yeah its the back but im confused about the readings the front is 280-290 but its only 18% but the back 220-200 is 45% thats the bit i dont understand

intrade, Apr 3, 1:09am
1.so the back readings is from 2 axles right?
2 .and are they drums?

stockyz, Apr 3, 1:15am
axle 1 is the front axle 2 is the rear its a falcon disk brakes front and back

skin1235, Apr 3, 1:19am
can I piggyback on this thread for a moment

recently got a warrent, all good, but then it occurred to me - how do they check full time 4wd vehicles on the single axle brake rollers - do they test one wheel at a time by reversing one roller - how would that work with the lsd

will make sure I get an eye full next time instead of sitting in the waiting room while they run the vehicle through

intrade, Apr 3, 1:20am
i see your readings now , well thats not 45%
also not all cars have the same braking readings so i dont know how they do it probably pass it if its even on the axles some brake more heavy then others , the vtnz i go to has a sign dont lock brakes to not wear rollers
in europe they lock em up and have the cars brake spec reading force where it has to match up with. quite heavy loads on small 3.5 ton iveco dailys for example and a bitch to get handbrake to work even when they test it to the specs.

intrade, Apr 3, 1:26am
what you should do is remove and clean the brake disc mechanism so it moves well you should be able to get them to be the same on front and the same on the back also brake fluid should be exchanged every 24 month
Thats what you can do to make them equal per axle.

msigg, Apr 3, 3:16am
skin1235 I just had my new 4x4 in to vtnz last week, it failed on the hand brake on one side, they test each wheel at a time for parking brake.

cjdnzl, Apr 3, 3:34am
Something fishy there, by my math at any rate. Imbalance is the percentage difference between brakes on the same axle. Your front numbers are 280 and 290; the percent difference is 290/280*100=103.57, that is a difference of 3.57%
Back axle 220/200*100=110, so imbalance is 10%. 18% and 45% are wildly wrong with the quoted braking figures.
Unless they think that the actual figures are too low for the car (not likely) then their percentages are up the creek, and the dyno is furtled and needs servicing. I'd challenge the garage over those figures.

sandypheet, Apr 3, 4:14am
Think I would question the readings, maximum imbalance is 20% so ask the inspector or manager to work it out. I think you will find they will surrender. Nothing wrong with those readings.

frytime, Apr 3, 5:49am
agree here, 20% on 100 is 20, so 20% on 200 is 40? Last time I looked anyway

frytime, Apr 3, 5:51am
no where in the bird have I seen anything about park brake ballance only it must act on 2 wheels (cars anyway)

scuba, Apr 3, 6:12am
it's an emergency brake not just a park brake so must be even on both wheels.

pauldw, Apr 3, 7:29am
Only on older vehicles without a split circuit braking system. If it is just a parking brake it just has to hold on a slope.

peja, Apr 3, 5:55pm
Agree with that - and not surprised to hear its a VTNZ. I have given up on them now as they are now employing people who have no experience and knowledge of older vehicles (or even modern ones in some cases). All the old hands who knew what they were doing have gone now. The brake dyno may be perfectly OK, the operator just doesnt know how to use it.

I had a VTNZ "inspector" fail a ute for structural rust. which was in the tray. Which bolts onto the chassis with four bolts. Though of going home, unbolting it and taking it off and then going back for a reinspection. That would have been hilarious.

Decided I could be bothered so didnt touch it, just waited 28 days and took it to someone who knew what they were doing. Which may be your best (and cheapest) course of action here

frytime, Apr 3, 7:07pm

cone1, Apr 13, 2:30am
Readings don't sound correct, you should have asked for a print out from their computer. Most VTNZ branches have this ability.
VTNZ use digital check sheet and it is easy to enter errors.

pico42, Apr 13, 4:02am
Why did you wait 28 days?

peja, Apr 13, 3:26pm
Because if you go within the 28 days it is considered a recheck, and I would rather have someone look it over with a fresh view and no preconceptions. I took it to a different VTNZ that I had been taking the ute to since I got it, and they passed it without comment as they had done several times previously.

Unfortunately all the old staff at that VTNZ have now retired, replaced by "inspectors" new to NZ for whom it may have been their first close encounter with a ute. let alone any kind of classic vehicle.

A "classic car" is an strange and unknown concept in large parts of the Indian and Asian subcontinents, probably for good reasons.

pauldw, Apr 13, 4:06pm
What rubbish, the Hindustan Ambassador based on the old Morris Oxford only ceased production in India last year. There'd be enough of those in India to keep any mechanic there familiar with old technology.

socram, Apr 13, 4:32pm
That is just one very basic car. You can't compare an old cart sprung Morris with a classic with a bit more sophistication!

There are plenty of local mechanics/inspectors who are not well up on classics either. I even had my old 1970 GT failed at one garage that supposedly knew about classics, because it had adjustable platform shocks. They were original equipment.

kazbanz, Apr 13, 4:35pm
hey stocky--can you please get back to us re this WOF
the figures just don't add up

stockyz, Mar 14, 8:50pm
i adjusted the handbrake cable up a couple of turns took it back through for a retest and straight of the sheet
left/weight 240 right% 260 max% imbalance 19
got a wof