Mopar 440 engine squealing with no belts

wayne1961, Jun 17, 5:36am
Hi would any one have any suggestions why a squealing noise comes from the front of my engine like a loose belt but with no belts connected
it happens once the engine has warmed sometimes it goes away and other times its worse than others

gmphil, Jun 17, 6:09am
sound like its sucking air ?
lose carb/manifold bolts ?

unclejake, Jun 17, 6:39am
I'd be cautious of a sintered bronze (or similar) bearing not getting enough lubrication, or with insufficient clearance (as it warms up). Perhaps a cam journal bearing? They can make a horrible squeal as they die

I don't know your engine though. I hope it's something much more benign, but if it's a fresh motor then a bearing clearance issue should be checked and (hopefully) discounted

wayne1961, Jun 17, 2:09pm
Its not an air leak we have checked all that its coming from behind the front cover down low to the left hand side below the alternator , the engine was rebuilt several years back but only about 7000kms ago and been ok up until now , sometimes after its had a bit of a thrashing for want of a kinder word it stops might have to pull the front cover off for a look

differentthings, Jun 17, 2:26pm
Isn't the dizzy on the front of these motors. Check that for wear. Best way to find a noise is ti get a steel rod and put that on different areas of the motor and put your ear on the other end. Move it around until you find where the noise is coming from.

motorboy2011, Jun 17, 2:40pm
My old car did this, loose exhaust manifold bolts, it was letting exhaust gasses out and the gasket would squeel

wayne1961, Jun 18, 3:50am
yes the dizzy is at the front , but been over that ,had a stethoscope on it and its coming from down low below the alternator and in behind the front cover

heads1st, Jun 18, 4:47am
Fuel pump?

mr340, May 27, 10:31pm
Fuel Pump Pushrod