Name of part of boat

vickyandwayne, Jul 31, 5:50pm
Hi guys. I am going to sound really dumb here. Does anyone know what the square thing that you put on the prop (to hold hose?)when cleaning it after going out is called? My hubby wants me to go get one for our boat but I have no idea what it is called.

Thanks heaps

tsjcf, Jul 31, 6:02pm

kazbanz, Jul 31, 6:05pm
Its an engine flush.The square thing is sometimes round

vickyandwayne, Jul 31, 6:06pm
thanks so much tsjcf

vickyandwayne, Jul 31, 6:41pm
thanks kazbanz

elect70, Jul 31, 8:35pm
Flush muffs

snork28, Dec 3, 4:33am
you can also get dual feed muffs like the one in the above
if the outboard is over about 50hp then they are recommended over the single feed ones as they will ensure that the engine gets enough water when flushing.