Tourist - consequences of losing license

petal_91, Feb 24, 1:27am
Reading this news story about a German tourist getting disqualified from from driving for 24 months and also having to pay over $20K on costs and reparations to this victims after causing a fatal crash. Does anyone know if 1. the driving ban would also apply for him back home in Germany and also would his travel or rental car insurance pay the cost of reparations?

sw20, Feb 24, 3:10am
Driving ban will just be in New Zealand. Rental company would have washed their hands of them. Do they pay the ticket when you get speed camera ticket in a rental?

martin11, May 30, 11:13am
Normally with speed Camera , Red light camera or any other fines unpaid that get to the rental company , the rental companies I have dealt with put it on your Credit Card and add a fee for their collection ,