Just found out about this thing called wall nut blasting. crazy.
when your inlet ports carbon up on a DI engine about every 50.000km ish. you basicly need to remove the inlet manifold. Turn the engine over so the valves are closed and blast and vac your inlet ports and the back of the valves. clean each port up and put if back together and send it. without much risk of contamination.?
How long has this been going on. ? I just came out from under my rock.
Dec 18, 2:36am
Yer. EGR valves. But if you can operate your machine at full throttle for short periods it will help stop the carbon build up. But really, it's just part of a service.
Dec 18, 2:43am
Disagree :-) to a extent. I think it's a side effect of direct injection engines! Carbon builds up in the intake ports and causes flow restriction. Indirect injected engines tend to be kept clean by the fuel passing through the port/valves. Remember injection is behind the valve. more air and fuel that is carrying velocity kind of cleaning as it goes. Diesel on the the other hand with EGR is a whole different topic.
I just never new wall nut blasting was around. Do you have one of these machines. ?
Dec 18, 2:55am
the mazda sky active engines are already getting this in a big way. not good for engine life. its just a side effect of DI engines intake valves clogging
Dec 18, 3:00am
These wall nuts of which you speak? Are they nuts that have fallen from a wall?
Dec 18, 3:01am
no silly. they just really like Pink Floyd
Dec 18, 3:06am
Dec 18, 3:20am
Has been happening for awhile. Lots of threads on here about Mitsi GDI engines needing to have the carbon cleaned out of their intake manifolds.
Dec 18, 4:04am
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS8riAae_bM It is a problem - explained on that video. Further reason why I'd be thoroughly p1ssed to be told that some of the high oil use figure is being stated as "normal" in forced induction euros (and perhaps also very high compression n/a engines like Mazda SkyActiv if they're using a lot of oil). The more blowby and crap coming through, the sooner they'll carbon up.
Dec 18, 2:24pm
wall nut = walnut. I must be getting old, for the life of me I had not idea what the OP meant. Took ages for the penny to drop.
Dec 18, 6:20pm
BIL paid dealer $1000 a time to do this on his POS Renault Laguna deisel until someonet old him to ditch the EGR valve & solved the problem .
May 25, 8:38pm
Shows what I know. I thought they literally used a crushed wallnut shell
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