Time lapse engine build .clever

bjmh, Mar 26, 10:16pm

petermcg, Mar 27, 3:55am
Yes I did like that.

str81, Mar 27, 4:16am
haha clever alright

sas777, Mar 27, 4:58am
Yes it was clever, and slightly disturbing with that music - a pity other uploaders to youtube can't match their music so well. Maybe copyright stops a lot of good stuff being used.
Actually the video reminded me of that skeleton fight in the movie Jason and the Argonauts, the old one not the remake.

trogedon, Mar 27, 3:13pm
Brilliant - vid and music. Eleven months is a very long time to rebuild a simple engine.

purple666, Mar 27, 3:53pm
Well he did have to stop 3,000 times to take a photo.

richardmayes, Mar 27, 6:17pm
All the way through, I thought it looked a lot like a Triumph engine, only minus a couple of cylinders.

And then right at the end, a Spitfire is pushed into the garage. what do you know?

dr.doolittle, Mar 27, 8:24pm
I liked the end.

mrfxit, Mar 27, 8:49pm
It's a (either of) Spitfire/ Herald TC engine.
Yep lot of work to do the video.

Heres another but a slow version of building a Bentley W12 at the factory.

FWD & a physically large engine & box

mrfxit, Mar 27, 9:03pm
Don't think I want to try assembling this by hand

bjmh, Apr 9, 9:09am
cool videos mrfxit ,jeez you wouldn't want anything to go wrong with the Bentley. you'd have to be a millionaire to maintain it.