New plastic roof on convertible Mazda MX5. Looks great- but. anyone know how to stretch it- slightly- so we can get it up again? Easy to put down but NOT easy for even two of us, to get back up again and hook at either end. I presume plastic stretches (leather would probably have been better but ridiculously expensive). We left it up in the sun thinking that would do it and it worked better, then the sun went away. Now, after it's been in the colder garage a while, it's just about impossible to get up! Any suggestions as to how to ease it up?
May 6, 2:28am
Heat is your best option, and sun would be the best.
May 6, 2:29am
there is no real easy way. you could gently heat it with a hairdryer(no jokes please) and try. some have use cable ties to hold it "nearly" closed and just keep ratcheting them up over a few days. if it has a zip DO NOT undo the zip to make it easier and then thry to zip it up again. the zipped window must be zipped/unzipped while its unclipped from the header rail. new tops are a pain but they soon sort themselves out, you just goota leave them closed for a while.
May 6, 2:35am
this "fault" is VERY common on the robbins brand tops BTW
May 6, 3:18am
Depending on how far out it is, I've found you can sometimes catch the latch by swinging the roof forward with the latch close to being closed (ie enough to get over the hook but closed enough that u can quickly latch it). Also ensure that the folding bar which moves up when the roof is raised is in the right spot- on my last mx5, I sometimes needed to manually move it into the right position.
May 6, 3:28am
One trick that can help is-Fire up the car and put heater on full hot blowing on the face. drape a blanket over the front edge/top. The heater warms up the under side of the roof and it slowly droops closed.
May 6, 4:28am
loosen off your catches too. the clips have an adjuster nut to adjust the closed clamping force. letting them out makes it easier to get them to latch
May 6, 4:43am
Bloody good idea kaz. And here's me thinking of being stupid and suggesting chucking an electric blanket over it!
Don't leave the garage door shut, and stay in there and wait for it to work.
May 6, 6:52pm
Thanks for your suggestions. So I can see we're not the first to have experienced this! Does anyone know whether it will improve over time- does the plastic hood stretch. ?
May 7, 4:18am
Most of the instructions I have read detailing replacement suggest that once installed you leave it up for 2-4 weeks to allow it to stretch and settle into place.
Feb 9, 6:52am
It will sort itself out usually over summer so your gonna have a long wait through winter before its back to normal.
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