A solvent for rubber please?

islaybrian, Jan 28, 3:33pm
My son collided with a flexible road marker on the Napier/Taupo road leaving scrapings of rubber firmly stuck onto the bodywork of his car.First thought is to remove the rubber with cutting compound which could damage the paint underneath.
Could someone please offer a better solution such as a solvent for the rubber streaks?

Thank you.

ignition328, Jan 28, 3:56pm
Bit of thinners used to be what I used on the speedway car.

gazzat22, Jan 28, 4:06pm
TRy petrol or turps ,.thinners could damage(dissolve)the paint.

cubasesx, Jan 28, 5:27pm
How about de-solv-it?

sqidlie, Jan 28, 7:42pm
A great dollap of elbow grease and a damp cloth with toothpaste on it

martin11, Jan 28, 7:53pm
Thats just a substitute for a cutting compound try petrol or turps first

nesta129, Jan 28, 8:30pm
or if you got a drill. get a rubber wheel bit.I found that gets rid of rubber on bodywork then clean up after with turps.
Check $2 shops or any Paint shops for them.

kazbanz, Jan 28, 11:37pm
Thinners on a rag--job done

islaybrian, Jan 29, 12:44am
Hey thanks everyone for your suggestions.I will try these out in the morning

annies3, Jan 29, 12:49am
If the rubber is thick, use a heat gun on med heat with a scraper, then polish off the remainder with solvent, otherwise just polish off with the solvent.

lookoutas, Jan 29, 3:55am
A road marker that leaves a rubber mark?
Not discounting that it could be something different than a regular white plastic one.

monzaman, Jan 30, 3:31am
Kerosine easily gets non-automotive paint and tar off like a cutting compound but doesn't damage car paint,I've saved a couple of people bumper repaints.

clark20, Jan 30, 3:39am

Something like this could also work, and designed not to harm paint

tool_shop173, Jan 30, 3:41am
You probably need a Caramel wheel. That will do the trick nicely.

islaybrian, Jul 14, 1:03pm
Hi all thanks again for your comments.
In the event I managed to remove all traces of the substance with turps so all happy now.