1KZ glow plugs

muzz67, May 23, 11:07pm
old girls getting a bit slow to fire unless glowed twice,,
assume needs new plugs.
Any special tricks to remove? Cheers in advance.

tony9, May 23, 11:10pm
Could be the glow plugs, but it may also be a combination of cooler temps and battery getting a bit sluggish. I would get a good test done on the battery first, before buying new glow plugs.

newtec1, May 23, 11:33pm
What year is it. I have the same engine.

mrsglaucoma11, May 23, 11:50pm
Get genuine. I went through aftermarket ones every 30 thou.

intrade, May 23, 11:51pm
could be your glow timer relay not staying on long enoug. listen for the click because the das light is not your glow time the relay clicking is when the glowing stops for real.
Our dacia has a glowlight on the dash and it glows lol as if it was a diesel but it is a 1,2 petrol, the glowlights are just visual aids for the guy in the driver seat and not real glow time .

bjmh, May 23, 11:52pm
pretty straight forward. if you have access to a compressor. blow the dirt etc away from around the threads. basic swap. I usually put neverseize on the threads and the seat of the new plug.As tony9 said. check out the basics first. rare for 1 kz to need glowplugs . whereas early courier diesels eat them.

tweake, Sep 18, 9:09pm
1kz should have glows changed every 100 tho. they have a nasty habit of breaking and the ceramic tip gets bounced around and eventually breaking damaging the piston.

if in doubt replace them.