Lady needing car purchase advice ;) please help

leelee79, Jan 4, 3:50am
Looking at mitsubishi colt . are these reliable ? . I have 5 k to spend at a dealer. I like wagons trucks people movers. I need it to hv room in boot for wheel chair and b fuel savvy and reliable brand of car

franc123, Jan 4, 4:53am
You've checked out the available space in the back of a Colt have you? A Toyota Funcargo would be a better bet I'd have thought.

tamarillo, Jan 4, 5:22am
At $5000 dealer price I'd suggest it's condition, age, milage, servicing, and history that will reflect on reliability, not make or model. Except for a few lemons I'd be finding best car that suits at price. Then do check here that it's not a complete and utter lemon.
The Colt is nothing special and not known to have the robust nature of a corolla, but will likely be newer and in better nick than a corolla at same price.
If it's a good Colt, well serviced, and passes a pre purchase inspection, it will be as good as any at the price.
Note, if you find a good deal, check here, and then get a pre purchase inspection done. It's worth your money.

kazbanz, Jan 4, 3:04pm
leelee I can tell you beyond a doubt that although the colt is an ok vehicle it is definitely less than ideal for your needs.
Ignoring price for a moment
I would suggest a Toyota Funcargo.Toyota Ractis or Honda mobilo in that order as vehicles that will suit your needs.

buyit59, Jan 4, 9:54pm
Agree with kazbanz and add Toyota Raum to the mix. although $5,000 limit at dealer will mean kms will be up a tad.

mainlander05, Mar 24, 5:39am
Well I have a colt plus and its awesome.have been looking to update but really can't find anything that matches it.
Damn good value for money.
Mines the Turbo model but is very cheap to run.
Good luck car hunting as its a pain.