Honda seatbelts ?

grannypam, Sep 28, 4:57pm
I have had it pointed out to me that Honda give a lifetime guarantee on seatbelts and parts thereof. does anyone know if this is true and does it apply in NZ or is it just an urban myth. lol
It is the retractor/restrainer that has gone.

tamarillo, Sep 28, 10:02pm
In NZ? Rather doubt it though have you asked them?
Even if they did I guess it would only be NZ new ones.

grannypam, Sep 28, 10:33pm
Well no harm in asking I thought so I asked. lol
No such luck. something about ours being an import. well at least I know now. nothing lost eh

kazbanz, Sep 28, 10:52pm
Definitely false info

a.woodrow, Apr 18, 6:12am
Sorry no such warranty